• In This Repo I will Store All The Python Code Which I'm Practicing and
learning. I'll cover all the Topic like basic format format,
operators, control statements, functions, Variables, DataType etc.
• "pyinstaller" is a python package that converts your Python code to an executable:
• To install pyinstaller: pip install pyinstaller
• To create an executable: pyinstaller main.py
• To execute in the command line Ensure you are in the current file path for the folder: execute .\main.exe
• To package the file into one executable: pyinstaller --onefile .\main.py
Module 1: Introduction to Python
- Introduction to Python
- Installing Python
- Python IDEs
- Python Syntax and Structure
- Variables and Data Types
- Basic Input and Output
Module 2: Control Structures
- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
- Loops (for, while)
- Control Flow (break, continue)
- Exception Handling (try, except)
Module 3: Data Structures
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Sets
Module 4: Functions
- Defining Functions
- Function Parameters
- Return Statements
- Lambda Functions
- Recursion
Module 5: File Handling
- Reading and Writing Files
- File Modes
- Handling Exceptions in File Operations
- Working with CSV and JSON files
Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
Module 7: Modules and Packages
- Importing Modules
- Creating Modules
- Using Standard Libraries
- Creating Packages
Module 8: Python Standard Library
- Math
- Date and Time
- Random
- Collections
- sys, os, and os.path
- argparse
- itertools
- functools
Module 9: Working with Data
- Regular Expressions (re)
- JSON and XML Processing
- CSV and Excel Processing
- Database Interaction (SQLite)
Module 10: Advanced Topics
- Decorators
- Generators and Iterators
- Context Managers
- Concurrency and Parallelism (threading, multiprocessing)
- Socket Programming
- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Requests
Module 11: Web Development with Python
- Introduction to Web Frameworks (e.g., Flask, Django)
- Routing and Views
- Templates
- Working with Databases (e.g., SQLAlchemy)
- Authentication and Security
Module 1: Introduction to Python
1. History of Python
2. Python Versions
3. Features of Python
4. Advantages of Python
5. Application Areas of Python
Module 2: Python Basics
6. Integrated Development and Learning Environment (IDLE)
7. Editors for Python
8. Keywords in Python
9. Identifiers in Python
10. Code Indentation
11. Input and Output
12. Basic Syntax
13. Variables
14. Dynamic Typing
15. Data Types (Mutable and Immutable)
16. Built-in Conversion Methods
Module 3: Operators
17. Arithmetic Operators
18. Comparison Operators
19. Logical Operators
20. Identity Operators
21. Membership Operators
Module 4: Control Statements
22. Conditional Statements (If, If-else, Elsif, Nested if-else)
23. Looping Statements (While, For, Nested Loops)
24. Break, Continue, and Pass Statements
Module 5: Arrays
25. Introduction to Arrays
26. Creation of Arrays
27. Traverse Arrays
28. Insertion, Deletion, Search, and Update in Arrays
Module 6: Strings
29. Introduction to Strings
30. Types of Strings
31. Escape Sequences
32. String Formatting
33. String Operators
34. Built-in String Methods
35. Basic String Operations
Module 7: Lists and Tuples
36. Introduction to Lists and Tuples
37. Accessing List and Tuple Elements
38. List and Tuple Operators
39. Built-in List and Tuple Methods
40. Basic List and Tuple Operations
Module 8: Sets
41. Introduction to Sets
42. Accessing Sets
43. Built-in Set Methods
44. Set Operations
Module 9: Dictionaries
45. Introduction to Dictionaries
46. Accessing Dictionary Elements
47. Updating and Deleting Dictionary Elements
48. Viewing Values in Dictionaries
49. Built-in Dictionary Methods
Module 10: Functions
50. Defining Functions
51. Calling Functions
52. Function Arguments (Required, Keyword, Default, Variable Length)
53. Anonymous Functions (Lambda)
54. Global and Local Variables
Module 11: Modules
55. Introduction to Modules
56. Importing Modules
57. Built-in Modules (e.g., Math, Statistics, Random)
Module 12: Packages
58. Creating Packages
59. Installing Packages
60. Importing Modules from Packages
Module 13: Errors and Exceptions
61. Error Types in Python
62. Introduction to Exception Handling
63. Try, Except, Else, and Finally Blocks
Module 14: File Input-Output
64. Opening and Closing Files
65. Reading from and Writing to Files