Releases: RavenProject/Ravencoin
v4.6.1: Improved GUI, bug fixes, minor new features
v4.6.1 is a non-mandatory core release
It contains various bug fixes, GUI improvements, and minor feature improvements developed and tested over the past 2 years.
But there are NO changes to consensus.
For your security, you should always check the binaries against the published file hashes. The list of hashes as well as the source code final commit tag are signed using my GPG key, which you can verify using my GPG Fingerprint posted at
There is no OSX build due to Apple SDK restrictions, and the windows files are unsigned.
As always, Use at Your Own Risk
Fix for false-positive Windows trojan detection
This is a very simple release. The only difference between and is the version data, everything else is identical. We have submitted the original release to be verified by Microsoft Defender Security to see why they are issuing a false positive. More about this can be read here:
Updated with signed windows and MacOS installers.
Better node distribution and IPFS browsing
The primary reason for this release is to update the seed-node list. Previously this was hard-coded to simply point to the core seed-nodes (see src/chainparamsseeds.h for new IP list). This isn't as decentralized as desired. Now we are running a seed-node-crawler identical to the one that Bitcoin Core uses. The crawler keeps track of node availability, chain tip validity, and other parameters to create a list of known-good-node-addresses. The list of good-node-addresses is used in the chainparamsseeds.h file and creates a more distributed network. It also includes the original seed-nodes since they will be detected by the crawler as good. Anyone can run a full-node and become a seed-node, doing so helps RVN become even more decentralized.
- Updated version to
- Is NOT a consensus change
- Fixes Boost 1.73 compile issues
- Adds IPFS open in external browser
- Build logging for tests will be more verbose than before
Hot Fix for Pools running 4.3.0
Includes all fixes for pool nodes running 4.3.0 by including fixes for getblocktemplate
Add Coinbase Check, Update asset database
Version bump to 4.3.0
Multiple bug fixes
Enforce Value Public Code Release
- Code from v4.2.0 is now public in v4.2.1
- Binaries are built from the public code
- The source tar, and zip contain all bug fixes
- ENJOY v4.2.1
Consensus upgrade
- Added new code for consensus upgrades
- Only miners need to update to this version
- The source zip and tarball don't contain the fix. Only the binaries.
Now with more POW!!!
- Added a new hashing algorithm to give power back to GPU miners (KAWPOW)
- Added support for bip44 based mnemonic phrases to generate the private keys
- Added support for transfers of long asset names with memos attached
- Added user prompt when there is a new version of ravencoin available
- Fixed and added new unit and functional tests
- Updated protocol version to 70027
Testnet Only April 8
v3.2.2-beta Add transfer script size RIP
Mempool Invalid Transaction fix
v3.3.2 Add mempool ability to remove invalid transactions for getblocktempla…