- This repository consist of three branches that offer different algorithm practices, such as SelectionSort and MoveZeros.
- The repository demonstrates an understanding of Git Worksflows, with practices of creating separate branches that reflect different features of an a entire codebase.
- Each feature is validated through Unit testing. Feel free to downlaod the codebase.
- Install Python and VScode or an alternative environment.
- Create a local directory on your system and clone the repository:
git clone <repo http link>
- Open up your programming environment and have your python interpreter selected.
- Browse through the files to view program and open the test files to view all valid test cases.
- Your environment CLI needs to be in the current directory of whatever testing file you are testing.F0r example if your testing MovingZeros, make sure your in that directory.
- Once in that directory, run the followng code to run unit test:
python -m unittest <testfilename.py>
- You will get a response of 'OK' if all test cases are valid and program operates as intended. However, 'Failed' can appear if edits were made on your end or imports are missing.