This is the curriculum of ReDI's React course in Berlin. All of the slides, homework, recordings, and more from each class - in one place! You can also find more resources to help you on your React learning journey in
- Welome and JS Recap
- const vs. let
- arrow functions
- modules, exports and imports
- spread, rest and destructuring
- forEach, map, filter, reduce and string interpolation
- Github and Codesandbox
- setup computer and environment
- Hello World
- Component types
- Lifecycle methods
- Stateful components (useState vs. this.setState)
- Conditional rendering
- Rendering lists
- Event handling
- VsCode
- Project Complete: Portfolio Item
- Chapter Intro: Reusability & hierarchy
- Components, reusability and props
- Component hierarchy
- Passing props
- Children
- Styling (modules and inline)
- Recap & Styled components
- Project Complete: Portfolio page with many portfolio items
- Further React concepts
- Routing
- useEffect() and data fetching
- Context API
- Forms
- Advanced state management (useReducer - Redux)
- Review Routing, Context API, useEffect, Forms
- Debugging
- Improving performance
- Redux
- Project Complete: Portfolio Website
- Final Project: Restaurant Finder - Corona App
- Additional Resources for your React Journey
- Git
- Preject Setup