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github-actions[bot] edited this page May 2, 2023 · 27 revisions

Configuring - Recent Activity

Version 2 of the Recent-Activity Action provided a new Configuration file which allows a much easier setup of the action without the need to create dozens of with options.

Table of Contents


To get started, first make sure to have at least version 2.0.0 of the Action, as versions prior to it don't have the config options.
The latest version can be found on the Releases Section of this repository.

An example workflow should look something like this for you:

name: Update README

    - cron: '*/30 * * * *' # Update every 30 minutes

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update Profile README

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # "{version}" is a placeholder and should be replaced with the latest release of recent-activity
      - uses: Readme-Workflows/recent-activity@{version}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This setup will try to find and use a file called recent-activity.config.yml inside the .github directory.
If you want to change the location and/or name of the file used, add a CONFIG_FILE: with-option to the action that points to the file relative to the root directory of your repository.

As an example, wanting to use a file called activity-config.yml in the .github directory will require you to set CONFIG_FILE: './.github/activity-config.yml as a with-option.


The Action allows different Inputs through the usage of the with option.


This input sets the name to use for getting the Activities to display.
This defaults to the owner of the Repository.


This input allows to change the location of the YAML file used as Configuration.
By default is this ./.github/recent-activity.config.yml but can be changed to any alternative path relative to your Repository's root-directory.

Sample Configuration

You can find a sample Configuration file in the sample.yml of the Repository.


The config file is split into two major sections: Settings and Messages.

Every option in the file is optional and will default to a specific value (See Default section for what)


The Settings area contains various settings to configure.


Default: Repository Owner

The username setting allows you to set the name of the GitHub user from which the Action should display the most recent activities.


Default: ⚡ Update README with the recent activity

This setting allows you to change what message is used for the Commit.


Default: 5

The max_lines setting allows you to set, how many entries should be displayed in the Activity-list.
The total amount of entries can only be 100 and the Action will finish pre-maturely if it either doesn't find enough Activities to display, or hits a <!--RECENT_ACTIVITY:end--> comment in the file.


Default: ./

The readme_file options sets the path relative to your repository's root-directory for where the Action should update the file.
Only valid Markdown files are supported.


Default: Undefined

disabled_events allows you to set a list of events that should be ignored when updating the activity list.
Please see the list of supported events for all the events you can disable.

The setting can be used in two ways:

  • option 1:

      disabled_events: [event1, event2, event3]
  • Option 2:

      - event1
      - event2
      - event3


Default: Undefined

whitelisted_events allows you to set a list of events that should be included when updating the activity list.
This setting will take priority over the disabled_events setting, even if the list is empty!

Please see the list of supported events for all the events you can disable.

The setting can be used in two ways:

  • option 1:

      whitelisted_events: [event1, event2, event3]
  • Option 2:

      - event1
      - event2
      - event3
Supported Events

The following list of events is supported for the disabled_events and whitelisted_events setting.

Type: Disabled Actions:
comments Commenting on Issues
create_repo Creating a new Repository
fork Forking a Repository
issues All Issues actions
issues_open Opening Issues
issues_close Closing Issues
member Getting added as a Collaborator/Member
pr All Pull request actions
pr_open Opening a Pull request
pr_merge Merging a Pull request
pr_close Closing a Pull request
push All commits performed
release Publishing a new Release
review Approving or requesting Changes in a Pull request
star Starring a Repository
wiki Creating a new Wiki page


Default: readme-bot

This setting allows you to change the name of the account that pushes the Readme Update.


Default: 41898282+github-actions[bot]

This setting allows you to change the e-mail of the account that pushes the Readme Update.


Default: {REPO}{ID}

The url_text option is used to set the text displayed when using the {URL} placeholder.
Keep in mind that the text itself will be put into an embedded link ([:url_text](:url)) and that {REPO} and {ID} will be turned into their respective values, but won't be turned into embedded links.


Default: 0

With the timezone setting in the date category can you set the timezone/time offset for the Date and time to be displayed.

The option can either be a positive or negative offset such as +01:00 or -01:00, or it can be a Continent/City format such as Europe/London.
The difference between those two variants is, that the Continent/City option respects special time changes such as daylight-saving time shifts.

A list of supported zones can be found on Wikipedia


Default: Last updated: {DATE}

The text option in date allows you to set the text that should be displayed when the Activity list gets updated. The {DATE} placeholder can be used to insert the date and time of when the List was updated. The format for that can be changed through the format option mentioned below.

To display this text you will need to place a <!--RECENT_ACTIVITY:last_update--> placeholder. The text will then be added below it.


Default: dddd. mmmm dS, yyyy, h:MM:ss TT

With the format option in date can you define how the date and time should be displayed.
Supported are all options mentioned in the dateformat NPM package.

Note that the Z cannot display the actual timezone such as CET/CEST but only timezones within the US (EST/MDT) or GMT with the offset appended to it (i.e. GMT+0100).


Default: {NUM}.

The line_prefix option is used to set the prefix for each line that shows activity.
The {NUM} placeholder is replaced by serial number for the activity line.


Default: (empty list)

The ignored_repos option is used to ignore certain repositories and hide them from the recent activity.
The setting can be used in two ways:

  • option 1:

      ignored_repos: [username1/repo1, username1/repo2, username2/repo3]
  • Option 2:

      - username1/repo1
      - username1/repo2
      - username2/repo3

Notes about Placeholders:

  • Available Placeholders are: {DATE}, {ID}, {FORK}, {REPO}, {URL}, {AMOUNT}, {WIKI} and {NUM}
  • Each option only supports specific Placeholders which are mentioned in the Supported Placeholders section.
  • With the exception of {AMOUNT}, {DATE} and {WIKI}, all other placeholders will turn into embedded links (i.e. {ID} becomes [#1](:url))
    • {ID} and {REPO} can be used in url_text and won't be turned into embedded links there. {ID} will still be prefixed with a #


The messages section contains all the different messages you can set for the Activity-List to display.


Default: 🤝 Became collaborator on {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {REPO}

This text is displayed whenever you get added as a Member/Collaborator to a Repository.


Default: 👍 Approved {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you approve changes in a Pull request.


Default: 🔴 Requested {AMOUNT} change(s) in {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {ID}
  • {REPO}
  • {AMOUNT}
  • {URL}

This text is displayed whenever you request changes to a Pull request.
The action will combine multiple Change requests for the same Pull request into one. The {AMOUNT} placeholder can be used to display the amount of changes requested for a Pull request.


Default: 💬 Commented on {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you commented on an issue, Pull request (Includes default Review comments but not actual change requests or approvals) or commit.


Default: 📔 Created new repository {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {REPO}

This text is displayed whenever you create a new Repository.


Default: 🔱 Forked {FORK} from {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {FORK}
  • {REPO}

This text is displayed whenever you fork a Repository.


Default: ❗️ Opened issue {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you open a new Issue.


Default: ✔️ Closed issue {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you close an issue.


Default: ✌️ Released {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you create a new release. {ID} will represent the Tag of the release.


Default: ⭐ Starred {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {REPO}

This text is displayed whenever you star a Repository.


Default: 💪 Opened PR {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you open a new Pull request.


Default: ❌ Closed PR {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you close a Pull request without merging it.


Default: 🎉 Merged PR {ID} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

This text is displayed whenever you merge a Pull request.


Default: ⬆️ Pushed {AMOUNT} commit(s) to {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {AMOUNT}
  • {REPO}

This text is displayed whenever you make a commit to a repository.
{AMOUNT} will display the amount of commits performed.


Default: 📖 Created new wiki page {WIKI} in {REPO}

Supported Placeholders:

  • {REPO}
  • {WIKI}

This text is displayed whenever you create a new Wiki page. {WIKI} will be the name of the Wiki page created.