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Archipelago Setup

  1. Know Archipelago.
  2. Download the apworld.
  3. Place the apworld into Archipelago/custom_worlds/.
  4. Generate a multiworld, and host the game either locally or on the website.

Mod Setup

  1. Download the latest Visual Studio C++ Redist.
  2. Download the (for now) required build of Zelda64Recomp (on windows you'll likely want Zelda64Recompiled-Windows-RelWithDebInfo).
    • Optionally download a texture pack from this PR.
      1. Download both .7z files from one of the .rtz links farther down in the PR.
      2. Unzip the file ending in .001, and place the resulting .rtz in your mods folder.
  3. Download the mods, as well as apconnect.txt.
  4. Place the mods within the zip into the Zelda64Recomp mods folder, as well as any texture packs you've downloaded.
    1. If on Windows, this is located at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Zelda64Recompiled\mods.
    2. If on Linux, this is located at ~/.config/Zelda64Recompiled/mods.
  5. You can also download poptracker along with Seto's pack
  6. Place apconnect.txt next to Zelda64Recompiled.exe, and fill it out with your server connection information.
    • MAKE SURE it is NOT named apconnect.txt.txt.
  7. Open Zelda64Recompiled.exe, select your ROM, and hit Start Game.
  8. Go nuts.


When I press "Start Game" the whole thing crashes! What gives?

Make sure you have a file named "apconnect.txt" (without the quotes) in the same folder as the exe, and that it contains the correct connection information for your Archipelago server slot.

I got Letter to Kafei and now I can't use the Pendant of Memories! Is it just gone?

Try moving your cursor to the Letter to Kafei and pressing the N64's L button. That should cycle through all quest items in that slot. That's true for the Moon's Tear item slot and the Room Key item slot as well.

I opened a chest/got a check and it always shows a grey Archipelago item, what's wrong with you?

The phantom AP item means the check is not yet implemented. Please use a text client or Seto's amazing poptracker pack from step 6 to see checks that you can definitely get (though some implemented checks may be missing until the tracker is updated).

Otherwise, here is a list of unimplemented checks:

  • Tingle
  • Oceanside Gold Skulltulas
  • Shop Items
  • Moon Children Trials Heart Pieces
  • Snowhead/Great Bay/Ikana

Credit for additional mods included

Thank you to the original authors of some of the other recomp mods used!

  • danielryb (Better SoDT, Z-Target Fix)
  • ThatHypedPerson (Color Mods)

Writing mods

See this document for an explanation of the modding framework, including how to write function patches and perform interop between different mods.


You'll need to install clang and make to build rando.

  • On Windows, using chocolatey to install both is recommended. The packages are llvm and make respectively.
  • On MacOS, these can both be installed using Homebrew, as well as zip. Apple clang won't work, as you need a mips target for building the mod code.
  • On Linux, install the above packages, and some additional ones: clang, make, llvm, lld, zip, using your distro's package manager.

You'll also need to build N64Recomp for the RecompModTool and OfflineModRecomp utilities, and copy them into your clone of rando.


  • First, make sure you've cloned the repo recursively git clone --recurse-submodules or you can update the submodules afterwards git submodule update --init --recursive.
  • Then, run make offline (with an optional job count) to build the mod code itself.