A portlet for Plone someway similar the navigation ones, but only show contents inside the current folder visited by the current user (so the position where you add the portlet to the portal is important only to know where the portlet is show or not).
If the current context is not a folder but a content inside the folder itself, the portlet is still shown; this mean that the folder sublevel is always shown, but if you move to another subfolder, the portlet will begin showing this second folder contents.
The portlet is only shown when the current folder is of IATFolder type (or subtypes) like every standard Plone Folder content types (not in the portal root, for example).
Normally, the portlet is not displayed when the current context is also the folder itself, so if the folder is not using a content as default view. You can change this behaviour selecting the "Show when not using default content view" flag.
This product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.