RS-Weather is a weather tracker that collects the weather on every rs vessels and makes it searchable.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
API_KEY | StormGlass API KEY | |
DB_USER | Database user | |
DB_PASS | Database password | |
TIME_WINDOW_MINUTES | Find nearest vessel weather position in a search window of a nubmer of minutes | 60 |
DATA_STORED_IN_DAYS | How long to store vessel weather data | 365' |
# login azure container registry
$ docker login
# Create kubernetes secrets to pull docker image
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry azurecr-secret --docker-server --docker-username banker --docker-password <PASSWORD>
# set db secret
$ kubectl create secret generic db-secret --from-literal=DB_PASS=<PASSWORD>
# set API_KEY
$ kubectl create secret generic stormglass-secret --from-literal=API_KEY=<API_KEY>
# enable ingress - docker-desktop for windows
$ kubectl apply -f
# spin up the application in kubernetes
$ kubectl apply -f infra/k8s
- Author - Bernt Anker
Field | Description |
weatherTimeStamp | Forecast hour Timestamp in UTC |
airTemperature | Air temperature in degrees celsius |
cloudCover | Total cloud coverage in percent |
precipitation | Mean precipitation in kg/m² |
visibility | Horizontal visibility in km |
waterTemperature | Water temperature in degrees celsius |
waveHeight | Significant Height of combined wind and swell waves in meters |
windDirection | Direction of wind at 10m above sea level. 0° indicates wind coming from north |
windSpeed | Speed of wind at 10m above sea level in meters per second. |
mmsi | Maritime Mobile Service Identity |
lat | Latitiude in decimals |
lng | Longitude in decimals |
timeStamp | Timestamp in UTC |