Releases: ReformCloud/reformcloud
Version 2.10.0
In this version many bug fixes were made and - as announced - the client/controller system was removed and the API was completely rewritten. In addition, the internal functionality has been heavily reviewed and adapted. In the tests we were able to deploy and start more than 100 servers without noticing performance leaks: . However, if bugs still occur despite the many tests, we would be very happy about a bug report via Discord or GitHub.
Furthermore, we have a very summarized list of changes below:
[*] Some Bug fixes
[*] Added IPv6 support
[*] Misc minecraft server/proxy version upgrades
[*] Misc dependency updates and upgrades
[*] Added tab complete
[*] Added template command
[*] API rework
[*] Removed client/controller system
The most important links:
➥ Download:
➥ Addons:
➥ Plugins:
➥ SpigotMC:
➥ GitHub:
Remember, ReformCloud is provided as-is - we are not responsible for data loss or corruption. You are encouraged to back up your files before any updates!
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository (no repository specification in pom.xml is needed)
General api (for all executors available):
API implementation (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
Node implementation (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository:
repositories {
General api (for all executors available):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-executor-api', version: '2.10.0'
API implementation (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-embedded', version: '2.10.0'
Node implementation (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-node', version: '2.10.0'
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-permissions', version: '2.10.0'
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-signs', version: '2.10.0'
Version 2.2.2
[*] Fixed all known bugs
[*] Improved ingame messages
[*] Improved the hole network system
[+] Complete rework of the permission system with a lot of new features
[+] Complete rework of proxy application
[+] Prefix/Suffix/Display/Color support per permission user and group
[+] Tab and Chat plugin extension for the permission system
[+] Kick message if the player is already connected to another proxy
🔴 Furthermore, we have done a lot of code updates and tested them as much as possible, we apologize, but if there are problems after the update please report them by opening an issue and we will take care of them as soon as possible!
[*] Due to some considerations and updates of the network system some API functions have been removed. This is the Client Sync/Async api, as well as the Application sync/async api
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository (no repository specification in pom.xml is needed)
General api (for all executors):
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
🔗 The most important links:
➥ Download:
➥ Addons:
➥ Plugins:
➥ SpigotMC:
The intention at that time to add support for client/controller (master/wrapper) to the cloud in addition to the "new" node system was that this system was then much more common than clustering. As it turned out after many months of testing and working on the cloud, the client/controller system simply always represents a considerable additional effort, which is not worthwhile in the long run, because with clustering you can get much more potential for your network. Furthermore, there are more users of the node system as well as the controller/client system and also in the support and during the first setup of the cloud, the node system is always recommended directly.
Now it is time to remove the controller/client. For some networks this will mean that an upgrade is necessary which should be purchased to ensure the best possible functionality of the system (also from the team side). Therefore we are announcing the end-of-life for the controller/client system, and will remove it when we release version 2.X.
To all who use the client/controller system:
It is recommended to update from the client/controller system to the node system before updating to 2.X (which will be released in 1-2 months) to avoid stress when releasing the new version.
Die damalige Intention neben dem "neuen" Node System auch Support für Client/Controller (Master/Wrapper) in die Cloud hinzuzufügen war die, dass dieses System damals sehr viel verbreiteter war als Clustering. Wie sich doch nach vielen Monaten der Tests und des Arbeitens an der Cloud herausgestellt hat, stellt das Client/Controller System einfach immer nur einen erheblich Mehraufwand dar, welcher sich auf dauer nicht lohnt da man mit clustern erheblich mehr Potenzial für sein Netzwerk herausholen kann. Des Weiteren gibt es mehr Nutzer des Node Systems wie des Controller/Client Systems und auch im Support und direkt beim ersten Setup der Cloud wird einem das Node System immer direkt empfohlen.
Nun ist es an der Zeit Controller/Client zu entfernen. Dies wird für einige Netzwerke bedeuten, dass ein Upgrade nötig ist welches jedoch in kauf genommen werden sollte um die bestmögliche Funktionalität des Systems sicherstellen zu können (auch von der Seite des Teams). Daher kündigen wir hiermit das End-Of-Life für das Controller/Client System an, und werden es beim Release der Version 2.X entfernen.
An alle die das Client/Controller System nutzen:
Es ist empfehlenswert bereits vor dem Update auf die 2.X (welche erst in 1-2 Monaten erscheinen wird) in Ruhe das Update vom Client/Controller System auf das Node System durchzuführen um beim Release der neuen Version nicht in Stress zu geraten.
Version 2.2.1
A new quick fix (2.2.1) is now available!
[*] Fixed OnlyProxyJoin
[*] Fixed automatic start of processes
🔗 The most important links:
➥ Download:
➥ Addons:
➥ Plugins:
➥ SpigotMC:
➥ GitHub:
Version 2.2.0
The new version 2.2.0 is just around the corner with big changes and updates just in time for Easter. The whole team wishes you happy easter days and much success with your network with the new cloud version!
[*] Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on permission check
[*] Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in proxy addon
[*] Fixed delete of process groups on nodes
[*] Fixed possibility to connect to processes which are invisible
[*] Improved workflow with nodes in cluster and process handling
[+] Rethink Database support
[+] Dynamic memory option
[+] MySQL connection pooling
[+] Possibility to prepare the cloud processes and start them later
[+] Complete recode of sign system and sign knockback support for sponge
[+] Automatic reload of application configurations on proxies/servers after reload of the cloud
[+] Complete recode of the runner
[+] Better file downloading and outprint of file size which is downloaded
[+] Specific message if a player is not using an internal proxy server
🔴 Furthermore, we have done a lot of code updates and tested them as much as possible, we apologize, but if there are problems after the update please report them by opening an issue and we will take care of them as soon as possible!
[*] Replace the runner in the main directory of your cloud system. If you start it you have to re-enter the current executor which you was using before the update
[*] The node config will update automatically and you have a few more maps available. DO NOT use the networkListener
, httpNetworkListener
and otherNodes
options. They got replaced with networkListeners
, httpNetworkListeners
and clusterNodes
options. They old ones will get removed in a further release.
🔗 The most important links (for developers they are listed below):
➥ Download:
➥ Addons:
➥ Plugins:
➥ SpigotMC:
💭 For Developers:
➥ Documentation:
➥ GitHub:
➥ Jenkins:
[*] Most of the methods in the ProcessInformation class have been deprecated and replaced with the ProcessDetail class (ProcessInformation#getProcessDetail)
[*] Removed classes DoubleFunction (in systems/reformcloud/reformcloud2/executor/api/common/utility/function) and Quad (in systems/reformcloud/reformcloud2/executor/api/common/utility/list)
[+] Possibility to include plugins before the start of a process
[+] New possibilities for starting a process (set port, id, uniqueID, display name, max memory, max players etc.) using the new api methods in ProcessSync/ProcessAsync API or the ProcessConfigurationBuilder class (ProcessConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder)
🟢 Dependency updates:
[*] Netty 4.1.46.Final ➥ 4.1.48.Final
[*] maven-javadoc-plugin 3.1.1 ➥ 3.2.0
[*] spongeapi 7.1.0 ➥ 7.2.0
[*] bcprov-jdk15on 1.64 ➥ 1.65
[*] mongo-java-driver 3.12.2 ➥ 3.12.3
[*] jline 3.14.0 ➥ 3.14.1
[+] rethinkdb-driver 2.4.2
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository:
repositories {
General api (for all executors available):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-executor-api', version: '2.2.0'
API implementations (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-executor', version: '2.2.0'
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-permissions', version: '2.2.0'
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-signs', version: '2.2.0'
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository (no repository specification in pom.xml is needed)
General api (for all executors available):
API implementations (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
Version 2.1.0
[+] Added new channel message api
[+] The sign system works now on 1.15, too
[+] Added possibility to include other templates of groups or paths for a specific template
[+] Replaced messy rc command with new commands
[+] New setup system for controller/client and node
[+] Added a better only proxy join system
[+] Fixed BungeeCord
[+] Added a complete new auth system
[+] Added sign knockback for Nukkit and Spigot
[+] Reformat old code
[+] Small bug fixes
Version 2.0.3
[+] Update from Jline 2 to 3
[+] Added tab completer
[+] Added more default setup options
[+] Added CloudFlare application
[+] NodeSystem process starting fixed
[+] Now it's possible to get a random connection key (Node Setup)
[+] Added formal german to available languages
[+] Added support for Spigot / Paper 1.15.2
[+] Fixed the help command in the NodeSystem
[+] Fixed sponge
[+] Removed sponge 1.8.9, 1.9.4 and 1.10.2 Support
[+] Fixed the file database
[+] Added SFTP, FTP and URL Template Application
[+] Removed paper 1.7.10 from available server versions
[+] Added console command to get all registred permission groups
[+] Fixed the problem that sometimes the proxy hangs up during startup
[+] Fixed player api implementation
Version 2.0.2
[+] Better network system
[+] Per-Group settable shutdown commands
[+] Fixed velocity download
[+] Added possibility to auto-update cloud
[+] Added possibility to list enabled addons
[+] Added possibility tp update addons (automatically)
[+] Possibility to disable player-sample and player-info in proxy addon
[+] Added /cloud copy
[+] Possibility to use domain names instead of ip-addresses
[+] Possibility to run addons on clients
[+] Some bug fixes
[+] Possibility to change console prompt
[+] Added /rc cmd
to send a command to the console
[+] Bumped mysql-connector from 8.0.18 to 8.0.19
[+] Bumped reflections from 0.9.11 to 0.9.12
[+] Bumped junit from 4.12 to 4.13
[+] Bumped netty from 4.1.44.Final to 4.1.45.Final
Version 2.0.1
[+] Added Proxy addon
[+] Fixed full process log sent if screen got disabled
[+] Added Spigot / Paper 1.15.1 to available versions
[+] Some small fixes and improvements
[+] Updated Netty from 4.1.43.Final to 4.1.44.Final
[+] Updated Maven-Source-Plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
Version 2.0.0 RELEASE
Version-2.0.0 Final changes and improvements of version 2.0.0