An python API using the swedish riksdags open data about documents, voting, events and more stuff related to the swedish goverment.
Using data from:
Are specified in the requirements.txt. Some extra stuff you dont need might be there. Get them by running:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create an instance of the api.
import riksdagen
api = riksdagen.API()
And get person-data by calling the get_ledamoten.
personer = api.get_ledamoten()
You can filter both persons and votes by specifying a couple of parameters.
voteringar = api.get_voteringar(antal=500, rm='2019/20',, gruppering='namn')
To get an anföranden use get_anforande and add a couple of parameters if you want.
anforande_lista = api.get_anforande(rm='2019/20',, anftyp='Nej')