This project is part of my personal portfolio.
The purpose of this project was to learn about WebSocket
To clone and run this project, you'll need Git, node v14.20 or higher + yarn v1.22.15 or higher installed on your computer. From your command line:
#Clone this repository
$ git clone
#Go into the repository
$ cd chat-app
#Install dependencies
$ yarn
$ npm i
#Run web (front-end)
$ cd web
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev
#Run test web (front-end)
$ cd web
$ yarn test
$ npm run test
#Run server (back-end)
$ cd server
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev
#Generate build server (back-end)
$ cd server
$ yarn build
$ npm run build
#Run build server (back-end)
$ cd server
$ yarn start
$ npm run start
VITE_URL_SERVER = 'your_http_back_end_here'
Front-End | Back-end |
- Email me -
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.