Profossro: Saeedeh Momtazi
Mentors: 1. Maryam Mousavian 2. Zahra Abbasiyan 3. Mohsen Fazaeli
Hold by: MCI (Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran)
- Speech and Language Processing Book by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin
- Foundations of statistical natural language processing
- I highly recommend Daniel Jurafsky's youtube play list:
Official Certificate Issued by MCI company-
Week 1
- Course introduciton
- linguistics knowledge
- NLP challenges
- Zipf's law
- Probabilistic language modeling: Motivation and Estimaiton
- Google Coalb
- Unigram and bigram language models
Week 2
- Smoothing
- LM Evaluation
- Introduction to Neural Processing
- Neural Networks
- Feedforward Networks
- Neural LM
Week 3
- Word Representation
- Sparse vs Dense representation
- Static Word embedding
- Matrix Factorization
- Word2vec
- Glove
- Word Representation
Week 4
- Text preprocessing
- Spell correction
- Persian NLP
Week 5
- Sequence processing
- Seq2Seq
- Attention
- Transformers
- Sequence processing
Week 6
- Properties of Human Conversation
- Type of chatbots
- Rule-based chatbots
- Corpus-based Chatbots
- Retrieval-based Models
- Vector-space model
- Neural text matching
- Generation-based models
- Seq2seq models
- Transformers
- Retrieval-based Models
Week 7
- Contextualized Text Representaion
- BERT family(Roberta, Albert, XLnet, Distillbert, ...)
- Persian models
- Contextualized Text Representaion for corpus-based Chatbots
- Contextualized Text Representaion
Week 8
- Frame-based dialogue systems
- Control Structure
- Intent Detection
- Slot Filling
- State tracking
- Evaluation of Chatbots
- Summary
- Frame-based dialogue systems
- How language models has been evolved: