Based on information found in "Identifier rejected on 55U7KQ" topic: Krazy998/mqtt-hisensetv#14
- Find the certificates needed from the topic mentioned above and add them to the same folder.
- Make sure to replace the ip-address with the IP of your TV.
- Run the script "python"
- The script will request access when executed the first time. It will automatically renew the accesscode with the refreshcode when it expires.
It allows a range of commands to be entered from a prompt (with no command line parameters added) or using the command line.
See help after running it for the first time (or with command line parameter "--action help"):
1. Get TV State, from command line: --action getstate
2. Power Cycle TV, from command line: --action powercycle (of use poweron or poweroff which first gets the state)
3. Get Source List, from command line: --action getsourcelist
4. Change Source, from command line: --action changesource --parameter <source_name>
5. Get Volume, from command line: --action getvolume
6. Change Volume, from command line: --action changevolume --parameter <volume>
7. Get App List, from command line: --action getapplist
8. Launch App, from command line: --action launchapp --parameter <app_name>
9. Send key, from command line: --action sendkey --parameter <key>
D. Toggle Debug Mode, from command line: --debug True/False
N. New Authentication toggle, from command line: --newauth True/False
A. Authenticate, from command line: --action authenticate
C. Show Credentials, from command line: --action showcredentials
R. Refresh Token, from command line: --action refreshtoken
F. Force Refresh Token, from command line: --action forcerefresh
S. Save Credentials, from command line: --action save
L. Load Credentials, from command line: --action load
H. Help, from command line: --action help
0. Exit, from command line: --action exit