This is project is my based on building my personal Portfolio Template following Figma Design Template. This project was built with HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT using dynamic coding based on Modal framework. As a template. this project with other projects that i work on to complete my portfolio.
header and and headline section Created new branch according to GitHub flow rules Added a .gitignore file setup a linters for html and css and made sure that files not relevant are ignored by git. Added a descriptive README file Added a header and headline section in the index.html file of the project Added css styling to the html sections
worked on the work section on the page added 3 work sections on the design page added an about me section Updated the readme file as the code has been updated
we added a contact section we added an html structure for the contact form section we added css style for the form section
added an about me section
- HTML and CSS
- Visual Studio Code -Electron framework
- Technologies used
This project include linters for HTML,CSS, and Open Source Document . To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Node package Manager(NPM) Follow set up instructions from Node Official Website Text Editor: VS-Code or any other Code editor
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
-Clone this repository with
git clone using your terminal or command line.
-Change to the project directory by entering :
cd The-portfolioskeleton1 in the terminal.
-run code . to open it in vscode
npx hint . npx stylelint "*/.{css,scss}"
👤 Richard W.K Chileya
- GitHub: @richardchileya
- Twitter: @Richard Chileya
- LinkedIn: Richard Chileya
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Thanks to my coding partners floring and Justice for the help rendered when coding this project
This project is MIT licensed.