Helping people remember to attend court to help break the cycle of fines and jail time
Version 1 (MVP): Dekalb County scraper built & single copy of dataset captured. Simple SMS functionality set up based off of that data
- Tech Components:
- Data scraper for Dekalb county
- Data saved in place SMS tool can pick up
- Simple SMS functionality
- Notification system that triggers text to be sent
- Design Needs:
- Easy-to-manage online form (e.g. Google forms or AirTable)
- Usability research
- Tech Components:
Version 2: Dekalb County scraper running daily in the cloud, pushes data into database. Website similar to facilitates # for court date reminders via SMS
- Components (in addition to MVP1):
- Database
- Website
- SMS sign-up
- Reminder scheduler
- Design Needs:
- UX Flows
- Components (in addition to MVP1):
Version 3+ (Potential Features)
- Additional counties / municipalities
- Integration with other courtbot implementation(s)
- Additional messaging besides SMS
- Chatbot like features (reminders, additional details, etc)