Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Login on the Expo app using the following account:
Username: kmui2 Password: Rise@2018
Scan QR code here on the camera app for iOS or on the Expo app for Android
Server Debugging: Open
- Setup username:
- Setup email:
- Install VSCode
- Open VSCode
- Open VSCode's terminal
then type >Terminal
Install Node Version Manager (nvm)
curl -o- | bash export NVM_DIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME/:-$HOME/.}nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
Run the .exe file in
Install latest Node.js version:
nvm install 10.11.0
Clone the repo
git clone
Go to the repo
cd Rise
Install dependencies
npm install # if there is a cb() never called! error, verify the cache: npm cache verify
Start server
npm run serve # If you have the Gmail password for automated emails: GMAIL_PASSWORD="<password>" npm run serve
Start app
# Mac OSX npm start #Windows npm install -g expo-cli # Only need to install this once. expo start
Scan QR code on the camera app for iOS or on the Expo app for Android.
In order to fully run Rise on expo, one must also have a local server. Here are instructions to get you started:
This will allow you to find a matching mentor that is pre-populated in the database.
βββ assets # fonts and images
βββ components # components
βββ config # database configurations
βββ constants # constants for styling and types
βββ navigation # screen and tabs react-naviagtion
βββ public # for getting SSL certificate by rendering an HTML template
βββ routes # api routes with controllers and models
βββ screens # mobile screens composed of components
βββ server.js # handles the middleware and routes to the routes folder
βββ App.js # container for all the screens
βββ package.json # lists all the dependencies and npm scripts
* Do not touch this file!