# Make a directory where Repo will be stored and add it to the path
$ mkdir ~/bin
# Download Repo itself
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
# Make Repo executable
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
# Open the bashrc file included in the repo tool
$ sudo nano ~/.bashrc
# Paste the following code to a new line at the very bottom of the bashrc file
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
# Reload bash variables to include the new path
$ source ~/.bashrc
# Create a directory for the source files
# This can be located anywhere (as long as the fs is case-sensitive)
$ mkdir ~/android
$ cd ~/android
# Install Repo in the created directory
# Use a real name/email combination, if you intend to submit patches
$ repo init -u https://github.com/RiseOS/platform_manifest -b android-9.0
The downloaded data is around 60 GB, and for a successful build you need 200 GB free hard disk space. Depending on your Internet connection, it can take quite a long time to download the source code. When the download has finished you have the basic AOSP source code on your computer.
# Let Repo take care of all the hard work
$ repo sync -j8 --current-branch --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
Now you are ready to build Rise OS images that can be flashed to a device. To do this, you have to point out your specific device and then start building the images.
# Enter the following commands:
$ source build/envsetup.sh && lunch
# When prompted, pick the number corresponding to your device in the list displayed and press enter.
# To start the build, type:
$ make –j <insert the cpu thread number of your computer>