Cloudy generated models and their comparison with apec photon flux output.
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Download and compile CLOUDY 17.03 version 1. Have the
in the working directory. -
Create an input condition file <> for generating the models, eg,
and save diffuse and total emission in <file_name>.lin, with params 2 like:CMB redshift 0. sphere radius 150 to 151 linear kiloparsec abundances "allen73.abn" metals 0.3 linear hden -4 log ## constant temperature, T=0.5 keV linear coronal, T=2.3e7 K linear stop zone 1 iterate convergence age 1e9 years save continuum "temp-2.lin" units keV no isotropic save diffuse continuum "temp-2-emm.lin" units keV no isotropic
Run the CLOUDY model generators for various params:
./cloudy_shared.exe -r apec_compare
Do this for multiple temperature and metallicities for comparison.
If you have patomdb and apec installed 3, go ahead with the following steps:
Load threeML 4 conda environment:
conda activate threeML
Open the jupyter notebook and import the PYATOMDB database:
jupyter-notebook apec-test.ipynb
Initialise the APEC module and choose the abundances, temperature (kT in keV), normalisation (K in EM units), redshift, metallicity:
from threeML import * modapec = APEC() modapec.abundance_table='Allen' # input params modapec.kT.value = 1.0 # keV temperature modapec.K.value = 1e-2 # Normalization, proportional to emission measure modapec.redshift.value = 0. # Source redshift modapec.abund.value = 0.3 # The metal abundance of each element is set to 0.3 times the Solar abundance
Create energy grid (sets the energy binning you are sampling) and call modapec for corresponding photon flux:
energies = np.logspace(-1., 1.5, 2000) # Set up the energy grid ## energy resoultion modapec(energies) # gives the output spectrum in the enrgy bins provided
- apec-test.ipynb → jupyter notebook to compare cloudy generated emission with APEC photon flux
- → input file for cloudy
- → output file for cloudy
- <file_name.lin> → Variuous example files generated by CLOUDY (out->
$4 \pi \nu J_{\nu} (\rm erg/s/cm^{2})$ with different temperatures for fixed metallicity of 0.3 solar.- <file_name-emm.lin> → Corresponding outputs of
$\nu (keV)$ vs$4 \pi \nu j_{\nu} (\rm erg/s/cm^{3})$ .
🎓 Collaborators: Alankar Dutta, Ritali Ghosh, Prof. Prateek Sharma.