Arduino library for I2C digital potentioMeter AD5243 and rheostat AD5248
The AD5243 is a digital potentiometer, the AD5248 is a digital rheostat.
device | channels | steps | ranges KΩ | notes : |
AD5243 | 2 | 256 | 2.5, 10, 50, 100 | potentioMeter |
AD5248 | 2 | 256 | 2.5, 10, 50, 100 | rheostat |
Both IC's have two "channels" and they do not have the output lines some other IC's in these series have e.g. like the AD5242.
The AD5243 has a fixed address (0x2F = 47 decimal) while the AD5248 has two address pins giving 4 possible addresses. See table below.
Addr(dec) | Addr(Hex) | AD1 | AD0 | Notes |
44 | 0x2C | GND | GND | |
45 | 0x2D | GND | +5V | |
46 | 0x2E | +5V | GND | |
47 | 0x2F | +5V | +5V | fixed address of AD5243 |
An important property of the devices is that they defaults to their mid position at startup.
The library defines AD5248_MIDPOINT == 127. To be used to set to defined mid-point.
If you know compatible devices please let me know.
#include "AD5248.h"
The library has a number of functions which are all quite straightforward. One can get / set the value of (both) the potentiometer(s), and the O1 and O2 output lines.
- AD5243(TwoWire *wire = &Wire) constructor base class, creates an instance with 2 potentiometers.
- AD5248(uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire = &Wire) create an instance with 2 rheostats.
- bool begin() initialization of the object. Note the user must call wire.begin() or equivalent before calling begin().
- bool isConnected() See if the address set in constructor is on the I2C bus.
- uint8_t getAddress() Returns address set in the constructor, or fixed 0x2F for the AD5243.
- uint8_t read(uint8_t channel) read back the set value.
- uint8_t write(uint8_t channel, uint8_t value) set channel 0/1 to value 0..255.
- uint8_t zeroAll() sets all potentiometer's to 0 and I/O to LOW.
- uint8_t reset() sets all potentiometer's to midpoint == 127. (startup default)
- uint8_t midScaleReset(uint8_t channel) resets one potentiometer to midpoint == 127.
- uint8_t readBackRegister() read register back, for debugging.
- uint8_t shutDown() check datasheet, not tested yet, use at own risk.
define | value |
AD5248_OK | 0 |
AD5248_ERROR | 100 |
- improve documentation.
- buy hardware
- test
- sync with AD524X library.
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Thank you,