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Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers.


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Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers.



The MCP_POT library implements access to MCP digital potentiometers. These devices have 1 or 2 potentiometers, 10 KΩ, 50 KΩ and 100 KΩ and communicates over SPI. The library supports both hardware SPI and software SPI.

The library does not support daisy chaining of devices, although this is a neat feature. This might be implemented in the future.

Type Step Ω Potentiometers Tested Notes
MCP41010 10 39.2 1 N
MCP41050 50 19.6 1 N
MCP41100 100 392.2 1 N
MCP42010 10 39.2 2 Y daisy chain allowed
MCP42050 50 19.6 2 N daisy chain allowed
MCP42100 100 392.2 2 N daisy chain allowed

Alt-234 = Ω

The library allows manual override of the HW and SW SPI clock speed (different ways).

Rheostat mode

To use the device in rheostat mode, one should connect one of the ends to the wiper.

Voltage divider

The devices can be used as an adjustable voltage divider.

Input V Step mV Notes
12.0 47.06
5.0 19.61
3.3 12.94
2.7 10.59

0.2.0 Breaking change

Version 0.2.0 introduced a breaking change to improve handling the SPI dependency.

The user has to call SPI.begin() or equivalent before calling POT.begin(). Optional the user can provide parameters to the SPI.begin(...) call.


Mainly other digital potentiometers.


#include "MCP_POT.h"


Base class.

  • MCP_POT(uint8_t select, uint8_t reset, uint8_t shutdown, SPIClassRP2040 * mySPI = &SPI) hardware constructor RP2040
  • MCP_POT(uint8_t select, uint8_t reset, uint8_t shutdown, SPIClass * mySPI = &SPI) hardware constructor other
  • MCP_POT(uint8_t select, uint8_t reset, uint8_t shutdown, uint8_t dataOut, uint8_t clock)

The derived classes have same constructors with same parameters as the base class.

  • MCP41010(...) constructor 1 potentiometer, 10 KΩ

  • MCP41050(...) constructor 1 potentiometer, 50 KΩ

  • MCP41100(...) constructor 1 potentiometer, 100 KΩ

  • MCP42010(...) constructor 2 potentiometer, 10 KΩ

  • MCP42050(...) constructor 2 potentiometer, 50 KΩ

  • MCP42100(...) constructor 2 potentiometer, 100 KΩ

  • void begin(uint8_t value = MCP_POT_MIDDLE_VALUE)

  • void reset(uint8_t value = MCP_POT_MIDDLE_VALUE)


  • bool setValue(uint8_t value) set all potmeters to the same value. For MCP41xxx this means just single potmeter, for MCP42xxx both. (datasheet figure 5.2).
  • bool setValue(uint8_t pm, uint8_t value) set selected potmeter to value. Note that the MCP41xxx only accepts pm == 0.
  • uint8_t getValue(uint8_t pm = 0)

Experimental Ohm interface

The experimental Ohm interface is a wrapper around setVale() et al. It can be used to adjust the value in an SI unit kind of way. It allows you to set the maximum resistance more exact.

There are however some considerations to be aware of.

  • The devices are linear within 1% says datasheet.

  • Measuring an MCP 42010, showed the two potentiometers are not 100% identical. Measured 10.38 KΩ and 10.37 KΩ, so within accuracy, datasheet < 1%.

  • values in Ohm will be rounded, so getValue() might not reproduce the parameter of setOhm() or setValue() exactly.

  • void setMaxOhm(uint32_t maxOhm) typical 10000, 50000 or 100000.

  • uint32_t getMaxOhm()

  • void setOhm(uint8_t pm, uint32_t ohm)

  • uint32_t getOhm(uint8_t pm)

This interface might change into a UNIT based function, in which the unit is not Ohm. It might be any user defined unit e.g. be flow control, lumen or volume.

Resistor calculation, implement in Ohm interface?

Please be aware of the resistance of the wiper (~50Ω).

Rwa = Rab * (256 - value) / 256 + Rw;
Rwb = Rab * (256 - value) / 256 + Rw;


The default SPI speed used is 1 MHz.

  • void setSPIspeed(uint32_t speed) sets HW SPI clock in Hz.
  • uint32_t getSPIspeed() gets current HW SPI speed in Hz.
  • void setSWSPIdelay(uint16_t del = 0) adjust SW SPI clock pulse in us.
  • uint16_t getSWSPIdelay() get the current value.


  • uint8_t pmCount() returns the number of potmeters.
  • void powerOn() set SHUTDOWN pin HIGH = device enabled.
  • void powerOff() set SHUTDOWN pin LOW = device disabled.
  • bool isPowerOn() idem.


  • bool usesHWSPI() returns true if hardware SPI is used.

About SPI Speed

The SPI code is based upon my MCP_ADC library.

The default SPI speed is reduced to 1 MHz. This is the value recommended in the datasheet for 2.7 Volt.

Board Voltage Safe Max
ESP32 2.7V 1 MHz 4 MHz
UNO 5.0V 2 MHz 4 MHz

For hardware SPI the ESP32 uses the VSPI pins. (see ESP examples).

The example MCP_POT_performance.ino measures the performance at different HW SPI speeds. In a test it showed the MCP42010 still worked at 8 MHz on an UNO. Note that the use of speeds beyond datasheet specification is at your own risk.

Daisy Chaining (future notes).

Not implemented yet

The MCP42xxx series have a SO = Serial Out pin which allows to daisy chain the devices.

   Processor                MCP42xxx             MCP42xxx             MCP42xxx
+-------------+          +------------+       +------------+       +------------+
|             |          |            |       |            |       |            |
|  SPI DATA   |----------| SI      SO |-------| SI      SO |-------| SI      SO |
|  SPI CLOCK  | ->     ->| CLOCK      |     ->| CLOCK      |     ->| CLOCK      |
|  SPI CS     | ->     ->| CS         |     ->| CS         |     ->| CS         |
|             |          |            |       |            |       |            |
+-------------+          +------------+       +------------+       +------------+
                            device 1             device 2             device 3

The devices must share the CS (select) and CLOCK signal, as all devices must be selected to forward the bytes that are sent into the chain. When the CS signal goes HIGH, all devices will simultaneously change to the new values.

Note that the data for the last device in the chain (3) must be send first.

Note however that per device at most one potmeter can be set in a daisy chain, or both at the same value. (as far as I understand the datasheet on this point).

Note that changing one device in a daisy chain implies that other devices need to be updated too. However the device allows a NONE command, see figure 5.2.



  • improve documentation
  • test


  • investigate and implement daisy chaining of MCP42xxx
  • investigate and implement proper Ohm interface, including R wiper.


  • improve SWSPI for AVR (code is under test for MCP23S17)
  • percentage interface (another wrapper).
  • free format wrapper - user can define units is more flex
    • setMaxUnit(float mu), setUnit(float unit), getUnit() etc.
    • still rounding, but the user does not need to map the value any more
    • can be used for Ohm too.
  • unit tests?
  • support the NONE command? (fig 5.2).
  • investigate software shutdown (fig 5.2).



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Thank you,


Arduino library for MCP41xxx and MCP42xxx SPI based digital potentiometers.







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