Arduino library to read a group of up to 16 input pins in one command.
A PinInGroup holds a number of input pins that can be read by means of a single read() command. The PinInGroup makes it easier to work with a number of inputs that act as a logical unit. Think of reading a parallel bus or read 4 lines from a matrix keyboard, or an array of switches.
One of the interesting possibilities of the pinInGroup is to add a single pin multiple times. That allows one to read a pin e.g. in a burst of 8.
Another application of adding a pin twice could be reading a pin as first and as last of a group. This allows you to check that state of e.g. a parallel bus has not changed during read (or changed an even number :).
The PinInGroup is not more efficient as reading the pins in a loop yourself. However it is less programming and can give clearer code.
Note that the pins are not read at the same microsecond. A small time is needed to go through all pins. This is platform, group size and pin state dependent.
#include "PinInGroup.h"
- PinInGroup() Constructor.
- void clear() sets the size to zero so one can repopulate.
- uint8_t add(uint8_t size, uint8_t * pinArray, uint8_t mode) adds a predefined array of pins to the group. Returns the number of pins added.
- uint8_t add(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) adds a single pin to the group. Returns the number of pins added (1 or 0). Mode can be INPUT(default) or INPUT_PULLUP.
- uint8_t getPin(uint8_t index) index = 0..15. Returns the pin at slot index or 255 (0xFF) when out of range.
- uint8_t getIndex(uint8_t pin) returns the (first) index of the slot with pin number. Returns 255 (0xFF) if not found.
- uint8_t isInGroup(uint8_t pin) returns how often a pin is added to a group. Can be larger than one, max size of course.
- uint8_t size() how many slots are used.
- uint8_t getMaxSize() how many slots are there in total.
- uint8_t available() how many slots are free.
- uint16_t read() reads a 16 bits unsigned int from max 16 pins. Every bit represents an input value. Note that the bits are in LSB order of the adding.
- uint16_t read(uint8_t index) index = 0 .. size - 1. Reads the single pin at index from the group. Returns 0 or 1 if OK and 0xFFFF when index >= size.
See examples.
These ideas will be explored when time permits or needs arise.
- improve documentation
- move code from .h to .cpp
- add real live examples
- Allocate dynamic memory (0.2.0)
- fragmentation?
- would be memory efficient.
- Optimize the low level reading e.g. reading registers only once.
- Hold register and bit info per pin.
- Especially for AVR this could be interesting performance wise.
- Create a PWMGroup
- Create an analogPinGroup
- new class
- extend to 32 bits / pins. class hierarchy. 8, 24 ?
- clear() => reset() or clearGroup() ?
- do we need yield() somewhere?
- extend unit tests
- getIndex()
- getPin()
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