This is what my home directory looks like. It's a constant work in progress.
- neomutt: Fast and secure text-based mail client, with lots of extra patches.
- zsh: An alternative shell to bash, Z shell.
- zplug: Plugin Manager
- p10k: Superfast prompt theme
- zsh-completions: Automatic completions
- zsh-autosuggestions: Fish-style automatic suggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish-style command line syntax highlighting
- forgit: Set of nice git commands using fzf
- z.lua: Lua implementation of z quick directory jump
- tmux: A terminal multiplexer.
- tpm: Tmux plugin manager
- tmux-sensible: Sensible defaults
- tmux-resurrect: Saves sessions to restore them
- tmux-continuum: Automates save and resurrect
- tmux-yank: Makes copying easier
- tmux-pain-control: More sensible defaults
- tmux-copycat: Better searching
- tmux-open: Open selected stuff easily
- tmux-prefix-highlight: Highlight when prefix is on
- tmux-fpp: See all files in terminal to view
- tmux-urlview: Automatically find and open urls in terminal
- vim-tmux-naviator:
- tmux-autocomplete: Automatically complete text from terminal
- nvim: Highly configurable text editor, with some plugins
- fzf: Fuzzy finder which worls well with other unix cli tools
- universal ctags: A maintained ctags implementation
- git: Of course
- httpie: A easy to use cli http tool (curl replacement)
- youtube-dl: Open source program to download videos from YouTube.
- spotifycli: CLI for getting and interacting with Spotify
- psql: postgres cli tool
- bat, rg, fd: replacements for cat, grep and find
- pip: python package manager
- grib: View READMEs easily
- fx: Interactive json viewer
- jq: Json command line tool
- Chrome: Brower
- surfingkeys: Vim-like navigation configurable browser extension
- Slack: Messaging.
- Spotify: Music.
- spicetify-cli: tool for making Spotify client look and act how I want
- VLC: Video player.
- alacritty: Terminal emulator
- i3wm: Window manager
- i3blocks: Configurable Status bar
- sxhkd: Simple X Hotkey Daemon
- xbanish: Disappear mouse on keyboard
- dunst: Notification manager
- betterlockscreen: Lock screen
- rofi: General menu for running applications