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Chess for various platforms

The goal of this project was to implement a playable version of Chess with a reasonable good AI for 3 platforms:

  • Windows PC
  • Webbrowser
  • FPGA

This project does not have any goal to compete with existing, known chessprograms.


For the MiSTer platform. Copy the .rbf from the release folder of this repository to your SD-Card and start it from the OSD.

Design is done without the use of any CPU/Processor, just pure logic in VHDL. Ressource usage is very high, as a lot of things are done in parallel:

  • Finding all possible moves for a given board is done in a few clock cycles
  • Executing a move(including castling and en passant) in a single cycle
  • Evaluating the score of a given board for the AI costs 2 clock cycles

The design isn't super optimized and can probably be speed up quiet a bit. However, if you experience the AI as to weak, there are better ways to improve it, than bare speed, e.g. opening tables.

HTML5 Javascript

Clientside executed code drawing to Canvas using no external libraries.

You can play it directly from the repository through this link:

C# WinForms Application

Can be run on any modern Windows PC.

Chess AI

Using pure Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning and position based scoring. Should be good enough to be a strong opponent to the occasional player even on the medium difficulty settings.