Manage employee records efficiently with this Employee Management System, a Python program backed by a MySQL database. This system offers essential functions for adding, displaying, updating, promoting, removing, and searching for employee records.
Add Employees: Easily input employee details, including name, email, phone number, address, post, and salary.
Display Records: View a list of all employee records in an organized manner.
Update Information: Modify employee records by updating their email, phone number, and address.
Promote Employees: Increase an employee's salary with a simple promotion function.
Remove Records: Delete employee records when they are no longer needed.
Search Functionality: Find employee records based on their unique employee ID.
User-Friendly Interface: A menu-driven interface makes navigation and data management a breeze.
Before you get started, ensure you have the following components installed on your system:
Python (3.x recommended): Download Python
MySQL Database: Download MySQL
MySQL Connector for Python: You can install it using pip:
pip install mysql-connector-python
git clone
cd employee-management-system
con = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="your_root_password", database="employee") Replace "your_root_password" with your MySQL root password.
To run the Employee Management System, execute the following command:
Before using the system, you need to set up the MySQL database and table. Follow these steps:
- Log in to MySQL as the root user:
mysql -u root -p
- Create the 'employee' Database:
Create the 'employee' Database:
- Switch to the 'employee' Database:
Switch to the 'employee' Database:
- Create the 'empdata' Table:
CREATE TABLE empdata ( Id INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255), Email_Id VARCHAR(255), Phone_no VARCHAR(15), Address VARCHAR(255), Post VARCHAR(255), Salary FLOAT );
Now, you can use the Employee Management System with the MySQL database.
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