This is the frontend of the lottery contract . The actual contract code is available in my repository .This is based on lottery contract made on solidity v0.8.17 .{Updated version}
This app is deployed at
I have used react functional component . Although the course I am watching is using React Classes.
This contract allows users to enter themselves into the lottery . When the manager calls pick winner function the total money is sent to the winner .
The pickWinner method can only be called by the Manager ( The person ho initiated it ) . Any number of people can enter the lottery . When the manager calls the pickWinner then the contract will pick a winner from the list of winners and send all the money from the prize pool to the winners . The players will need to send some eth to enter the contest . {any value greater than 0.01 ether ) .
Use with caution while deploying to main ethereum network as it can cause loss of money .
The newer version is deployed at Goerli Test Network at address : 0x54E707d104Db5F95a2668f678899A9ec3587310E
The new version is made using Solidity ^0.8.17 . (Latest as of December 2022).
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.