Aim: Perform text modelling and clustering on text from the Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
- First, I processed the full-text using Regex to:
- Extract the abstract from the full-text by analyzing the various patterns the authors use in numbering and/or naming the sections following the abstract.
- Remove the information after the acknowledgments and/or reference sections. Some reasons for doing so:
- they are not actually a part of the full text; and
- they must not have an undue influence on our text analysis.
- Perform 3 rounds of text cleaning, the last one being lemmatization. For this, I compared the results from NLTK and Spacy, and I found that NLTK gave better results for the given data set.
- Secondly, I performed Exploratory Data analysis on the number of words and characters in the title and abstract of the papers. I also gained insight into the words commonly used in them.
- Lastly, I trained a Gensim LDA model for topic modelling and used K-Means to perform clustering on the documents.
- I want to use pywsd instead of NLTK for lemmatization and compare the results.
- I want to try other topic modelling techniques like LSA, NMF and the like. See here.