😥 The message queue is currently not working at the moment I am working on fixing it. I am working on this branch https://github.com/Rotvig/HarakaMQ/tree/add_unit_tests 😥
Reliable Message Oriented Middleware Based on UDP
- Message Delivery
- Order of messages across distributed brokers
- Eventual Consistency
- Fail over when a broker goes down in a cluster setup
- Reconciliation when a broker rejoins a cluster
- Broker and client auto discovery in a cluster setup
- Add a new broker without restart of a cluster
Start up the Broker by building the MessageBroker project, and runs it with the command "dotnet HarakaMQ.MessageBroker.dll". When running in a cluster setup have a seperate folder with the builded dll's for each broker you have. Remember to add a "settings.json" file in the running directory with this content:
var factory = new ConnectionFactory {HostName = "", ListenPort = 11000, Port = 11100};
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
channel.BasicPublish("hello", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world"));
Console.WriteLine(" Press [enter] to exit.");
var factory = new ConnectionFactory {HostName = "", ListenPort = 12000, Port = 11100};
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
var consumer = new DefaultBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
channel.BasicConsume("hello", consumer);
Console.WriteLine(" Press [enter] to exit.");