You can import data from Amazon AWS/EC2 AWS into Shinken to create hosts.
Amazon provide VM hosting with EC2. With this arbiter module, you will be able to load your EC2 hosts into Shinken.
You will need the libcloud package installed on your Arbiter server.
In your shinken-specific.cfg file, just add (or uncomment):
define module { module_name AWS module_type aws_import # Configure your REAL key and secret for AWS api_key PAAAB2CILT80I0ZA0999 secret GGtWAAAzEItz0utWUeCe9BJKIYWX/hdSbA6YCHHH default_template generic-host ; if the host is not tagged, use this one }
- Put in key and secret your private AWS access. * default_template will be used if your host is not "tagged" in AWS
And add it in your Arbiter object as a module.
define arbiter{ arbiter_name Arbiter-Master address localhost ;IP or DNS adress port 7770 spare 0 modules AWS }
Restart your Arbiter and it's done :)
The configuration generated will look as below :
define host { host_name i-3fc56e5a address use t1.micro,MyTag,EC2,generic-host _EC2_AVAILABILITY us-east-1a _EC2_CLIENTTOKEN _EC2_DNS_NAME _EC2_GROUPS quicklaunch-1 _EC2_IMAGEID ami-1b814f72 _EC2_INSTANCEID i-3fc56e5a _EC2_INSTANCETYPE t1.micro _EC2_KERNELID aki-825ea7eb _EC2_KEYNAME testaws _EC2_LAUNCHDATETIME 2012-09-26T12:19:38.000Z _EC2_LAUNCHINDEX 0 _EC2_PRIVATE_DNS _EC2_PRIVATE_IP _EC2_PRODUCTCODE _EC2_PUBLIC_IP _EC2_RAMDISKID None _EC2_STATUS stopped _EC2_TAGS demo:myvalue,use:MyTag }
Here with a stopped t1.micro instance with no name. You can put your how "use" parameter by adding a EC2 tag "use" on your VM. It will be output on the host configuration so you can setup the monitoring as you want.