Simple GUI wrapper for Tailscale written in C++ with QT
# git clone
# cd Quail
# cd Quail #subfolder of Quail
# cmake
# make
# quail
- Up, runs tailscale up and connects your device to your tailnet (gives a login link if not logged in)
- Down, runs tailscale down and stops tailscale
- Logout, runs tailscale logout and logs you out of your tailnet
- IP, runs tailscale ip and gives you your tailscale IP address
- Status, gets the status of your tailnet
- Exit Node, input is used as the name or IP of the exit node you want to use
Click on the corresponding button to execute the command. Exit Node is a text box that you put the exit node name/IP into. The exit node entered will automatically be used when the up button is pressed.
- Add documentation
- Fix translation loading
- Create AUR package
- Possibly add more features once current state is stable
This software uses the GPL licence. Read the terms before using the source code.