Course Project, CS 21120970 Mixed Reality, ZJU, 2019 Winter. Instructor: Hujun Bao
浙江大学 计算机学院 专题研讨(混合现实)课程作业
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Read the scene's model data from files to realize each link of the graphics pipeline;
Provide simultaneous drawing of left and right binocular images;
Provide a scene with multiple objects, use keyboard to assist mouse to interactively select objects or light sources, change the orientation and drawing parameters of the selected objects and light sources;
Be able to draw the texture and shadow of the virtual scene;
Use the mouse to realize the free flight roaming function of the camera.
"Camera.h": the Camera
class and Two_camera
class are defined, which can realize the coordination between the camera and the callback function in the main program, achieve the camera's free roaming flight and binocular camera.
"Mesh.h": the mesh class is defined to serve the model class in model.h.
"Model.h": defines the model class, which is used to read in and load the. obj file loaded by the model loading library assimp mode.
"Room.h": a sphere class is defined for lamp drawing.
"Shader_s.h": defines a shader class, which is used to draw shaders on pipeline.
"stb_image.h": official document, used for texture use.
“lamp.fs”,“lamp.vs”:shader source code for lighting “shadow.fs”,“shadow.vs”:shader source code for shadow map generation “shader.fs”,“shader.vs”:shader source code for final painting
“glad.c” “main.cpp”