The library for Russian paraphrase generation. Paraphrase generation is an increasingly popular task in NLP that can be used in many areas:
- style transfer:
- translation from rude to polite
- translation from professional to simple language
- data augmentation: increasing the number of examples for training ML-models
- increasing the stability of ML-models: training models on a wide variety of examples, in different styles, with different sentiment, but the same meaning / intent of the user
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install russian_paraphrasers
in this case you need to add git+
Warning important in requirements.txt (versions!):
Or you can install last version from git:
pip install git+
- First, import one of the models and set general parameters for your paraphraser:
from russian_paraphrasers import GPTParaphraser
paraphraser = GPTParaphraser(model_name="gpt2", range_cand=False, make_eval=False)
from russian_paraphrasers import Mt5Paraphraser
paraphraser = Mt5Paraphraser(model_name="mt5-base", range_cand=False, make_eval=False)
You can choose 1) to filter candidates or not 2) to add some evaluation of best candidates or all n
- model_name:
- range_cand:
- make_eval:
- Pass sentence (obligatory) and parameters for generating to generate function and see the results.
sentence = "Мама мыла раму."
results = paraphraser.generate(
sentence, n=10, temperature=1,
top_k=10, top_p=0.9,
max_length=100, repetition_penalty=1.5,
You can set the threshold
parameter to range candidates,
it is calculated as similarity score between original vector and the candidate vector.
Results for one sentence look like this:
{'average_metrics': {'Bleu_1': 0.06666666665333353,
'Bleu_2': 2.3570227263379004e-09,
'Bleu_3': 8.514692649183842e-12,
'Bleu_4': 5.665278056606597e-13,
'ROUGE_L': 0.07558859975216851},
'best_candidats': ['В чём цель существования человека?',
'Для чего нужна жизнь?',
'Что такое жизнь в смысле смысла ее существования, и зачем '
'она нужна человеку.'],
'predictions': ['В чём счастье людей, проживающих в мире сегодня',
'В чём счастье человека?)',
'Для чего нужна жизнь и какова цель ее существования?',
'Что означает фраза в том чтобы жить жизнью?',
'В чём ценность человеческой Жизни?',
'В чём счастье людей в мире? и т. д.',
'Зачем нужна жизнь и что в ней главное докуменция дл',
'В чём цель существования человека?',
'Что такое жизнь в смысле смысла ее существования, и зачем '
'она нужна человеку.',
'Для чего нужна жизнь?']
All models were fine-tuned on the same dataset (see below) and uploaded to hugging_face. Available models:
= rugpt2-large trained by Sberbank team
= rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 trained by Sberbank team mt5-small
- mt5-base
- mt5-large
To be continued... =)
All models were finetuned on the dataset based on two parts:
- part of the ParaPhraser data, about 200k filtered examples
- filtered questions to chatbots and filtered subtitles from here
The dataset is in the folder dataset
The article is published and was presenteed in BSNLP. Read it here.