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User Stories

stevenpicazo edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 14 revisions

User Stories



  • As an unregistered and unauthorized user, I want to be able to # for the website via a sign-up form.
    • When I'm on the /# page:
      • I would like to be able to enter my email, username, and preferred password on a clearly laid out form.
      • I would like the website to log me in upon successful completion of the sign-up form.
        • So that I can seamlessly access the site's functionality
    • When I enter invalid data on the sign-up form:
      • I would like the website to inform me of the validations I failed to pass, and repopulate the form with my valid entries (except my password).
      • So that I can try again without needing to refill forms I entered valid data into.

Log in

  • As a registered and unauthorized user, I want to be able to log in to the website via a log-in form.
    • When I'm on the /# page:
      • I would like to be able to enter my email and password on a clearly laid out form.
      • I would like the website to log me in upon successful completion of the lob-up form.
        • So that I can seamlessly access the site's functionality
    • When I enter invalid data on the log-up form:
      • I would like the website to inform me of the validations I failed to pass, and repopulate the form with my valid entries (except my password).
        • So that I can try again without needing to refill forms I entered valid data into.

Demo User

  • As an unregistered and unauthorized user, I would like an easy to find and clear button on both the /# and /# pages to allow me to visit the site as a guest without signing up or logging in.
    • When I'm on either the /# or /# pages:
      • I can click on a Demo User button to log me in and allow me access as a normal user.
        • So that I can test the site's features and functionality without needing to stop and enter credentials.

Log Out

  • As a logged in user, I want to log out via an easy to find log out button on the navigation bar.
    • While on any page of the site:
      • I can log out of my account and be redirected to the home page.
        • So that I can easily log out to keep my information secure.

Likes - Fitting Room

Like an item

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to like and add an item to my fitting room via the like button.
    • When I’m on the /fitting-room page:
      • I can view all liked items that have been added to my fitting room.
    • When I’m on the /fitting-room/:id page:
      • I can view item details (pics, sizing, price, condition, color, etc.).
      • I can purchase the item at the listed price, make an offer on the item, and message the seller.

Remove a liked item

  • As a logged in user, I want to to be able to remove a liked item from my fitting room via the like button.
  • As a user that is not logged in:
    • I should not have access to the fitting-room page or like button.

User Listings

Viewing Items

  • As a registered user, I can view all of the items that I am listing for sell.

Listing Items for selling.

  • As a user I am able to list items to be sold:
    • When I click on a button to create a new listing:
      • I am able to upload the image of the item I want to list for sale.
      • If any invalid data is entered, I am quickly prompted by the browser to repopulate the form with valid entries.

Removing Items from users own shop

  • As a user I am able to delete any listings that are displayed on my profile.
    • When I click on the button to delete a listing:
      • I am prompted with an alert asking if I am sure I want to delete my item for sale.

Updating Items from users own shop

  • As a user I am able to update any listings that are displayed on my profile.
    • When I click on the button to update a listing:
      • I am prompted with an alert asking if I am sure I want to update my item for sale.


Leave a review

  • As loged in user, I want to be able to leave a review for a transaction experience.
    • When I'm on the page for a previous purchase, and have not yet left a review for that transaction:
      • I would like to be able to leave a review for the transaction.
        • So that I can feel that I am able to lave a meaningful impact helping other users on the website
    • When I enter invalid data on the review form:
      • I would like the website to inform me of the validations I failed to pass, and repopulate the form with my valid entries.
      • So that I can try again without needing to refill forms I entered valid data into.

Reviews Display

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to see my reviews somewhere.
    • When I'm on the page for a previous purchase, and have already left a review for that transaction:
      • I would like to be able to see clearly that I have left a review for the purchase, along with its associated information
        • So that I have a meaningful way to keep track of my reviews

Modify Review

  • As a logged in user, I would like to be able to modify my review in case of a misunderstanding or by leaving a wrong rating by mistake.
    • When I'm on the page for a previous purchase, and have already left a review for that transaction:
      • I can click on a "modify review" button of some sort so that I may have a seamless way of modifying my review if i realize that I have made a mistake.

Delete Review

  • As a logged in user, I would like to be able to delete my review if I feel it is no longer relevant or if I left the review by mistake
    • When I'm on the page for a previous purchase, and have already left a review for that transaction:
      • I can click on a "delete review" button of some sort so that I may have a seamless way of modifying my review if i realize that I have made a mistake.

Purchase Items

Buying an Item

  • As a user, I want to be able to buy an item that suits my interest.
    • When click on the purchase button:
      • I would like to be able enter my information swiftly to view my purchase on my profile.

Viewing Purchased Items

  • As a user, when I enter I am on my profile page:
    • I want to be able to see the purchases I made.