Collection of basic HTML forms I designed as I learned Full Stack Web development. All the code which I will be writing during the whole training is to be documented here in this repository. Please refer below code files.
Folder Named Login Page - Copy is the form I have been working with. In that Databases are also connected and SQL file is shared with you guys. It is recommended to use XAMPP. Here below is shared which folder is for what purpose:
- Login-Page - Copy:- This file contains a basic HTML Form where Login and # features are implemented. Databases are used but in separate php files.
- Login-Page and Category:- This is a more updated form as the sign-up feature is removed for unknown reasons and Add category form has been added. The database of categories is separately created and the concept of config file is implemented in this little folder project.
- Login-Page:- This is the basic login page. This was my first attempt.
- Login-Page.html:- Basic HTML code of Login Page
- pathology_data.sql:- This is a database file that will be updated after every updation in the code.
- add-category.html:- One can also refer to this file for connection to the database, very similar yet a bit different from the Login-Page and Category.html (This is inside the Login-Page and Category folder)
The other folders are related to different web development topics and concepts
- Output of tablecell.html
Angular Projects Github Repository