This is a plugin for pylint which disables certain checks when using invoke.
pip install invoke-plugin-for-pylint
, that's it.
Add invoke_plugin_for_pylint
to the list of pylint plugins.
- unused-argument: Each invoke task needs a context argument even if not needed.
Therefore this plugin will find all tasks and suppress all
errors when related to the context argument
If custom decorators for invoke tasks are used which wrap invoke.task
option by checker invoke-plugin-for-pylint
can be used.
It's a csv list of names which indicate an invoke task.
Please note, that the names must be full qualified and reflect the name of the final function. For example, a decorator factory called "foo" in package "bar" which returns a function called "_inner", will result in the name "".
Example for the pyproject.toml:
additional-invoke-task-decorators = [
This project uses setuptools
as the dependency management and build tool.
To publish a new release, follow these steps:
- Update the version in the
- Add an entry in the changelog
- Push a new tag like
to trigger the release
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Copyright 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and invoke-plugin-for-pylint contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.