Adios2-based xgc_coupler for XGC and GENE
- CMake 3.19+
- FFTW 3.3.8+
- redev 3.0.0+ (
- Omega_h 10.2.0+ with MPI enabled (
- Catch2 2.* (for unit tests) (
SCOREC Rhel7 environment
module unuse /opt/scorec/spack/lmod/linux-rhel7-x86_64/Core
module use /opt/scorec/spack/v0154_2/lmod/linux-rhel7-x86_64/Core
module load \
gcc/10.1.0 \
mpich \
cmake/3.20.0 \
fftw \
Build, install, and test
git clone #test data
git clone
cmake -S wdmapp_coupling -B buildWdmCpl \
-Dredev_ROOT=/path/to/redev/install \
-DOmega_h_ROOT=/path/to/omegah/install \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/buildWdmCpl/install \
-DPCMS_TEST_DATA_DIR=$PWD/wdmapp_testcases \
cmake --build buildWdmCpl --target install
ctest --test-dir buildWdmCpl --output-on-failure
Install spack
$ mkdir /lore/$USER/spack $ cd /lore/$USER/spack $ git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true -b releases/v0.20 $ . spack/share/spack/
We can also add the spack setup line into the
with `echo ". spack/share/spack/" >> ~/.bashrc". This will load the spack setup script every time we start our terminal session. -
Get PCMS spack repo The following commands will add the pcms recipe files to spack. They are not currently installed inthe upstream spack repository.
$ git clone $ spack repo add pcms-spack/pcms
Add Spack binary mirror Addding the binary mirrors will avoid some compilation by downloading prebuilt binaries when available.
$ spack mirror add v0.20.1 $ spack buildcache keys --install --trust
Install PCMS repo
$ mkdir /lore/$USER/pcms-coupler $ cd /lore/$USER/pcms-coupler $ git clone -b pcms-spack $ cd pcms/spack $ spack env create -d env spack.yaml $ cd env $ spack env activate . $ spack install
At this point hopefully, spack will now install all of the relavant dependencies and a baseline build of PCMS. The default environment has PCMS in develop mode. To modify and recompile PCMS you can modify the code and rerun spack install
- create a spack environment that's part of this project that can build the whole stack.
most of the pieces are in place for this, but it will require createing a package for redev
and of the SCOREC version of Omega_h
- scorec version 10.1.0 of Omega_h is in spack@develop
Details instructions for a few systems are available on the wiki.
Another Executing Approach: One would also comment out the BUILDING_TESTING in CMakeFiles.txt included in test folder;
Assign the full path of testdatas to test_dir in the file; Use "mpirun -np 4 bin/test_init" for the execution.
refers to the core (GENE/GEM) applicationPart3
refers to the edges (XGC) application