This is a fork of, all credit goes to the original author
Documentation for setup and configuration is here.
- Merge external M3U files
- Merge external XMLTV files (EPG aggregation)
- Automatic M3U and XMLTV update
- M3U and XMLTV export
- Filtering streams
- Teleguide timeshift
- Channel mapping
- Channel order
- Channel logos
- Channel categories
- Buffer with HLS / M3U8 support
- Re-streaming
- Number of tuners adjustable
- Compatible with Plex / Emby EPG
- See releases page
This mode can be enabled by ticking the checkbox in Settings -> General
Unless the server's certificate and it's private key already exists in xTeVe config directory, xTeVe will generate a self-signed automatically.
Self-signed certificate will only allow TLS mode to start up but not to actually establish a secure connections. For truly working HTTPS, you should generate a certificate by yourself and also add the CA certificate to the client-side certificate storage (where the web browser, Plex etc. is).
Certificate and it's private key should be placed in xTeVe config directory like so:
If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority (CA), it should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates, and the CA's certificate.
Pull from dockerhub:
docker pull scp002/xteve:latest
OR build your own image based on Dockerfile from this repository:
git clone
cd xTeVe
docker build --tag scp002/xteve .
docker create \
--tty \
--publish 34400:34400 \
--name xteve \
With the specific timezone, ip and port:
docker create \
--tty \
--env TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
--env XTEVE_PORT=12345 \
--publish \
--name xteve \
docker start xteve
docker attach xteve
To detach from a container, press Ctrl + C
Open http(s)://<ip>:<port>/web/
in browser, for example:
docker stop xteve
New features and bug fixes are only available in beta branch. Only after successful testing are they are merged into the master branch.
It is not recommended to use the beta version in a production system.
With the command line argument branch
the Git Branch can be changed. xTeVe must be started via the terminal.
xteve -branch beta
[xTeVe] GitHub:
[xTeVe] Git Branch: beta [SCP002]
xteve -branch master
[xTeVe] GitHub:
[xTeVe] Git Branch: master [SCP002]
When the branch is changed, an update is only performed if there is a new version and the update function is activated in the settings.
- Go (go1.18 or newer)
git clone
go mod tidy
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get -u ./...
If TypeScript files were changed, run:
tsc -p ./ts/tsconfig.json
Then, to embed updated JavaScript files into the source code (src/webUI.go), run it in development mode at least once:
go build xteve.go
xteve -dev
❗ To not to get CreateFile error, do not forget to switch your binary to "regular" mode after runnning with -dev
xteve -branch master
or xteve -branch beta
go build xteve.go
Or use convenient cross-compile tool. To build binaries for every OS / architecture pair into ./xteve-build/
go get
go install
gox -output="./xteve-build/{{.Dir}}_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" ./
When creating a fork, the xTeVe GitHub account must be changed from the source code or the update function disabled.
xteve.go - Line: 29
var GitHub = GitHubStruct{Branch: "master", User: "SCP002", Repo: "xTeVe", Update: true}
// Branch: GitHub Branch
// User: GitHub Username
// Repo: GitHub Repository
// Update: Automatic updates from the GitHub repository [true|false]