A wrapper for libaom + Xcode project. This enables Carthage && SwiftPM support.
This repo also including the CocoaPods's spec file to use libaom.
- iOS 9
- macOS 10.10
- tvOS 9.0
- watchOS 2.0
- v1.0.2 is tagged with upstream
- v1.0.1 && v1.0.0 is tagged with upstream
hash, which used by libheif dependency (no huge difference between1.0.0-errata1
From v2.0.0+, the version match the upstream version.
However, the Xcode (SPM/Carthage/CocoaPods) support, disable the architecture specify assembly code, and use the pure C implementation instead. This because both the lack support for CocoaPods and Xcode NASM compiler.
If you want the best performance for specify architecture, use the pre-build static library in lib
from 1.0.0 release. Which use the CMake and NASM with the full assembly optimization.
Example to build with NEON support on arm64 iOS:
cd aom
mkdir dist && cd dist
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../build/cmake/toolchains/arm64-ios.cmake
libaom is (via this repo) available through Carthage.
github "SDWebImage/libaom-Xcode"
libaom is available through CocoaPods.
pod 'libaom'
libaom is available through Swift Package Manager.
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/SDWebImage/libaom-Xcode", from: "1.0.2")
// ...
Use libaom as you would normally, this is just a repo that adds an Xcode proj.
For Swift Package Manager user, it's recommended to use the modular import instead of C headers.
- Objective-C
@import libaom;
// or if you don't use module
#import <aom/aom.h>
- Swift
import libaom
libaom is available under the Alliance for Open Media Patent License.