Nominally a fantasy theme with varying hues of browns, greens and yellows.
- Developed by Diego Andrés
- Originally developed by jasidog
- FontAwesome
- Social Networks
- Logo URL
- Forum Width
- Separate sticky topics
- Avatars
- Boards
- Topics
- Online Users
- Recent Posts
- Memberlist
- Menu Customization
- Disable Menu Icons
- Add Log out, Log in and # buttons
- Remove Specific Menu Items
- Community Button for Grouping
- Select CDN for Fonts
It is installed as a traditional SMF Theme for SMF 2.1.x, just grab the latest release of the package and go to: Admin > Configuration > Themes and Layout > Install a New Theme > From an Archive > Select File > Upload.
You can find detailed instructions and/or more documentation about the process in Installation - How do I install a theme.
Translations are all based off the Theme Customs strings, and you can contribute directly on Crowdin.
Review the changes and patches from the different releases/versions of the package in the Changelog.
Please create a New Issue and select the appropriate option or link for bugs, issues, or requesting new features. Use the provided links for support.