This showcase provides examples of using SPARQL Anything to transform Propbank into RDF.
In what follows, fx is a placeholder for java -jar sparql-anything-.jar. See the SPARQL Anything usage documentation for details on Java options such as enabling logging.
The input for the process is a release of the Propbank dataset.
The process supposes that the PropBank release is distributed as a single zip file containing a folder frames
which stores all the XML files defining the PropBank frames.
An example of such zip file can be found here.
Extract artworks and subjects | |
Query | predicate2framester.sparql |
Input | |
Output | example in abbreaviate.ttl |
Options | archive.matches, content, from-archive, location, txt.split |
Formats | ZIP, XML |
Level | Advanced |
SPARQL anything allows you to extract the frames from all the XML files and specify them according you favourite ontology with a single query. In this showcase we specify frame data according to the Framester ontology.
PREFIX frame: <>
PREFIX fx: <>
PREFIX xyz: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
prefix pbschema: <>
PREFIX fschema: <>
?fPredicate a pbschema:Predicate ;
rdfs:label ?lemma ;
pbschema:hasRoleSet ?fRoleset .
?fRoleset a pbschema:RoleSet ;
pbschema:hasAlias ?fFrame ;
rdfs:label ?name ;
pbschema:hasRole ?fRole .
?fRole a pbschema:Role ;
rdfs:label ?roleDescription ;
fschema:subsumedUnder ?argClass .
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:location "" .
fx:properties fx:archive.matches "propbank-frames-3.1/frames/[^_]*.xml" .
?s1 ?p1 ?file1 .
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:location ?file1 .
fx:properties fx:from-archive "" .
?s a xyz:frameset .
?s ?li ?predicate .
?predicate a xyz:predicate .
?predicate xyz:lemma ?lemma .
?predicate ?li2 ?roleset .
?roleset a xyz:roleset .
?roleset xyz:name ?name .
?roleset ?li3 ?aliases .
?roleset xyz:id ?id .
?roleset ?li5 ?roles .
?roles a xyz:roles .
?roles ?li6 ?role .
?role a xyz:role .
?role xyz:n ?num .
?role xyz:descr ?roleDescription .
?aliases a xyz:aliases .
?aliases ?li4 ?alias .
?alias a xyz:alias .
?alias xyz:framenet ?f .
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?lemma))) AS ?fPredicate)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?id))) AS ?fRoleset)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?id),"__",str(?num))) AS ?fRole)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?num))) AS ?argClass)
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:content ?f .
fx:properties fx:txt.split " " .
?a ?b ?frameId
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("", ?frameId)) AS ?fFrame)
The outer SERVICE
clause tells SPARQL Anything to download the PropBank release and iterate over the file names whose filepath matches the following pattern propbank-frames-3.1/frames/[^_]*.xml
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:location "" .
fx:properties fx:archive.matches "propbank-frames-3.1/frames/[^_]*.xml" .
?s1 ?p1 ?file1 .
The inner SERVICE
matches the information to extract from a single
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:location ?file1 .
fx:properties fx:from-archive "" .
?s a xyz:frameset .
?s ?li ?predicate .
?predicate a xyz:predicate .
?predicate xyz:lemma ?lemma .
?predicate ?li2 ?roleset .
?roleset a xyz:roleset .
?roleset xyz:name ?name .
?roleset ?li3 ?aliases .
?roleset xyz:id ?id .
?roleset ?li5 ?roles .
?roles a xyz:roles .
?roles ?li6 ?role .
?role a xyz:role .
?role xyz:n ?num .
?role xyz:descr ?roleDescription .
?aliases a xyz:aliases .
?aliases ?li4 ?alias .
?alias a xyz:alias .
?alias xyz:framenet ?f .
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?lemma))) AS ?fPredicate)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?id))) AS ?fRoleset)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?id),"__",str(?num))) AS ?fRole)
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",str(?num))) AS ?argClass)
SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> {
fx:properties fx:content ?f .
fx:properties fx:txt.split " " .
?a ?b ?frameId
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("", ?frameId)) AS ?fFrame)
The query can be executed as follows
fx -q predicate2framester.sparql
Note: it takes a while for processing all the files.
An example of output for the frames abbreviate.xml
@prefix fschema: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix pbschema: <> .
@prefix roleset: <> .
@prefix predicate: <> .
fschema:subsumedUnder pbschema:ARG3 ;
rdfs:label "start state of arg 1, original word when separate mention" ;
a pbschema:Role .
fschema:subsumedUnder pbschema:ARG1 ;
rdfs:label "thing becoming shorter" ;
a pbschema:Role .
fschema:subsumedUnder pbschema:ARG4 ;
rdfs:label "end state of arg1, new abbreviation" ;
a pbschema:Role .
fschema:subsumedUnder pbschema:ARG2 ;
rdfs:label "EXT, arg1 is shortened by how much?" ;
a pbschema:Role .
pbschema:hasRole roleset:abbreviate.01__2, roleset:abbreviate.01__3, roleset:abbreviate.01__0, roleset:abbreviate.01__4, roleset:abbreviate.01__1 ;
rdfs:label "make shorter, especially words" ;
a pbschema:RoleSet .
pbschema:hasRoleSet roleset:abbreviate.01 ;
rdfs:label "abbreviate" ;
a pbschema:Predicate .
fschema:subsumedUnder pbschema:ARG0 ;
rdfs:label "causal agent" ;
a pbschema:Role .