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WebSVF : Online Learning and Teaching Platform for Code Analysis based on SVF

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This is the WebSVF repo which highlights the static webSVF github io for redirecting to the deployed WebSVF pages

Capstone Project for the WebSVF can be found within this Repo as a sub module learn more about submodules at

For a quick introduction to the latest addition in WebSVF 4.0, the CodeGPT panel, please have a watch of this video: The new feature allows users to communicate with OpenAI's GPT 3.5-Turbo engine, and attach any of their files present on the site!

To see the new features of WebSVF 5.0, please have a watch of this video:

WebSVF 5.0 Final Video

Full Video:



Middle term video of WebSVF 5.0

Full Video:



User Guide

WebSVF 5.0 allows users to enter their C code and analyse it using SVF tools. Users can ask CodeGPT in a chat like manner for help in understanding the different graphs, LLVM IR and how to fix bugs detected by SVF tools.

Compile Options

Users can select compile options to run. These compile option flags will be added when compiling the code using clang.

Selecting executable options

Users can select SVF executables to run their C code on.

Graph features

Display graphs

All graphs produced by the executables will show under the graphs section. Users can select the graph they want to view

Node background colours

Nodes in the graph will have a background colour if they have a corresponding line of code in the code editor. The background colour of the line of code and the corresponding node will be the same to help users identify correlations.

Clicking on nodes

When user clicks on a node and the node has a corresponding line of code, it will set the line of code into view and set the text of the line of code to a red colour.

Reset Zoom

Users can click on the reset zoom button to set the zoom and view back to default settings.

Freely zoom and move

Users can freely move and zoom along the graph viewer.

Terminal Output

Display terminal output of executables

The terminal output section display terminal out from all the executables

Shows compile error messages

If there are any compile errors or warnings, the executables will not run. It will return the error and warning messages which can be seen under terminal output.


The LLVMIR shows the LLVMIR generated by clang and used by the executables. It has syntax highlighting to help users discern functions, variables, if conditions, loops etc.

Code Editor

The code editor is a monacco code editor which is the same editor used in Visual Studio code.

Background colour line of code

If a line of code has a corresponding node in the current selected graph, the line of code will have the same background colour as the corresponding node.

Clicking on line of code graph interaction

When user clicks on line of code and line of code has a corresponding node on graph, it will change the text colour of the corresponding node on the graph to red.

Display error messages and warning messages

If there are any error messages or warning messages from clang or the executables, it will display it on the corresponding line of code in the code editor. Users can identify these errors and warnings on the code editor by looking for red underlines to the the line of code similar to Visual studio code.

AskCodeGPT Shortcut

If a line of code has a error or warning messages, users can hover and click on quick fix and then ask CodeGPT. This will make an automatic prompt to CodeGPT to help users understand the bug and how to fix it. The prompts made specific to the bug. That is, the prompt will specify to CodeGPT is the bug is a memory leak, buffer overflow or a clang compiler error.


CodeGPT allows users to ask questions about the code, graphs, terminal output and LLVM IR in a chat like manner.

Categorised Prompts

Users can select ready made prompts based on the categories code, graphs, terminal output and LLVM IR.

Save and share sessions

Users can save and share their coding sessions on WebSVF by clicking on the share button and copying the generated link. The generated link will save the users compile options, executable options and C code. When the user enters the link, it will restore the saved configurations.

Font Size

Users can change the font size in the code editor, terminal output and LLVMIR using the increment button or the dropdown menu.

Light and Dark mode

Users can select light and dark mode using the toggle in the top right section. Dark Mode

Installation of webSVF 5.0

Note, webSVF 5.0 uses svf-ex executable from previous webSVF to create graphs. The executable can only run in x86 architecture (not arm64). Installation should be completed on linux for best results.

Downloading dotnet 8 on Linux

Go to this website

Download sdk for dotnet 8.0. Click on x64 for binaries if using x64 architecture. Click arm64 if running on M-series macbook. This should automatically download the binary as a tar file.

cd Downloads

Go into downloads and run the following commands. (These commands were taken from the download page)

mkdir -p $HOME/dotnet && tar zxf dotnet-sdk-8.0.402-linux-x64.tar.gz -C $HOME/dotnet
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

Run the 2 export commands every time you open up a new terminal session. You could also edit the your shell profile to permanently add the commands.

Downloading node manager for frontend

Install Node Version Manager (nvm) by running the following command

curl -o- | bash

Install Node version 20 by running following command

nvm install 20

You can check the node version by running following command. It should say v20..

node -v

How to run frontend locally

Go into frontend folder

cd frontend

Install node packages needed to run frontend by using the following command.

npm install

Run npm run dev

npm run dev

How to run backend locally

User needs to have dotnet 8 to run the backend locally.

Go into api folder

cd api

Run dotnet run

dotnet run

Backend Deployment

WebSVF 5.0 is currently deployed using

  1. Create an account using Note, you may need to enter credit card details to use as it is a pay as you go service.

  2. Install command line flyctl. Setup guide can be found here:

  3. Go into the api folder

cd api
  1. Run the fly launch command line and specify the docker file path under the api folder. will use the docker file to deploy and run the dotnet backend application. It should create a fly.toml file, a configuration file for
fly launch --dockerfile Dockerfile
  1. Run fly deploy to deploy the application. Use the fly deploy command if you make changes to the backend or docker file so that these changes can be applied to the deployed application.
fly deploy

Frontend Deployment

Frontend is currently deployed using Vercel. The frontend can be deployed using Vercel.

  1. Create a Vercel account and link github account to Vercel. The github account should have the forked capstone project repo.

  2. Click add new in the dashboard. Then click Project.

  3. Under your github account, import the forked report.

  4. You should now be under new project where you can configure settings before deployment.

    • Set a project name (up to your choice)
    • Set framework preset to Vite
    • Set Root Directory to frontend
  5. Click Deploy. Vercel should now start building website.


If you want to change the API key for codeGPT or come across the error 'apiKey' does not exist.

Add the APIKey to a file inside frontend folder and outside of src. Add the following to the env file.


To generate the API key, you will need to:

  1. create an account with OpenAI.
  2. After logging in, select 'API'.
  3. Click on the GPT icon in the top left corner to expand the sidebar
  4. Select API Keys. Here, you can generate a key and add it as the value to the apiKey variable.


Installation guide for WebSVF 4.0

Note: Installation should be completed on linux for best results.

1. Install Nodejs 15 and other dependancies

sudo apt install nodejs@15
sudo apt-get install clang cmake gcc g++ doxygen graphviz zlib1g-dev unzip libtinfo5

2. Install Angular

cd ClientApp \
sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

3. Clone this repo

git clone

4. Install Dotnet

Add the Microsoft package signing key

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Install the SDK

sudo apt-get update; \
  sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \
  sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1

Install the runtime

sudo apt-get update; \
  sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \
  sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-3.1

If the above commands do not work, you can manually download Dotnet 3.1 here

You can download any version as long as it is 3.1 version of SDK.

After downloading, go to downloads folder and run the following commands.

cd Downloads
mkdir -p $HOME/dotnet && tar zxf dotnet-sdk-3.1.302-win-x64.exe -C $HOME/dotnet
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

If you have downloaded manually, you will need to run these commands everytime the machine is restarted (or add these commands to appropriate source file to avoid copy and pasting this command when computer restarts)

export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

7. Update the app

cd  ClientApp \
npm install \
npm run start //note: this will only run the Client App

6. Run the app

Run the following command from the CapstoneProject repo folder:

dotnet run


Install dependencies

Install the following dependencies if required

npm i svf-lib

Pulling the submodule from CapstoneProject

This command is be required to retrieve the latest files within CapstoneProject or any other repo you add.

git submodule update --init

Create EC2 instance from custom WebSVF AMI

These instructions are adapted from official AWS documentation (sources listed below).

It is highly recommended you read through the sources in detail if you're unfamiliar with the AWS environment, especially with AWS EC2.

WebSVF AMI: ami-06787f758a0b88e83

1a. # for an AWS account

If you do not have an AWS account, complete the following steps to create one.

To # for an AWS account

  1. Open

  2. Follow the online instructions.

Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code on the phone keypad.

When you # for an AWS account, an AWS account root user is created. The root user has access to all AWS services and resources in the account. As a security best practice, assign administrative access to an administrative user, and use only the root user to perform tasks that require root user access.

AWS sends you a confirmation email after the sign-up process is complete. At any time, you can view your current account activity and manage your account by going to and choosing My Account.

1b. Login to AWS account

Login to your AWS account through the AWS Management Console.

2. Create a key pair

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Key Pairs.

  3. Choose Create key pair.

  4. For Name, enter a descriptive name for the key pair. Amazon EC2 associates the public key with the name that you specify as the key name.

  5. For Key pair type, choose RSA

  6. For Private key file format, choose the format in which to save the private key.

  7. Choose Create key pair.

  8. The private key file is automatically downloaded by your browser. The base file name is the name you specified as the name of your key pair, and the file name extension is determined by the file format you chose. Save the private key file in a safe place.

3. Access Amazon EC2

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

4. Launch EC2 instance

  1. From the EC2 console dashboard, in the Launch instance box, choose Launch instance, and then choose Launch instance from the options that appear.

  2. Under Name and tags, for Name, enter a descriptive name for your instance.

  3. Under Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), do the following:

    • Choose Quick Start, and then choose Amazon Linux. This is the operating system (OS) for your instance.

    • From Amazon Machine Image (AMI), choose Browse more AMIs to browse the full AMI catalog.

    • Choose Community AMIs

    • Search for the AMI ami-06787f758a0b88e83

    • Select it

  4. Under Key pair (login), for Key pair name, choose the key pair that you created when getting set up.

  5. Review a summary of your instance configuration in the Summary panel, and when you're ready, choose Launch instance.


No usable version of libssl was found error

If this error occurs, there should be a libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb that can be installed by running the following command.

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb

If this libssl file is not here, you can run the following commands

tar -xzvf openssl-1.1.1c.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.1c
sudo make install (it puts it into /usr/local/lib so it doesn't mess with the rest of your system)

Then, run this command to map this command temporarily via LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You will need to run this command everytime the computer restarts.

export export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"

Source for no usable libssl if there is no libssl file. dotnet/core#4749


If you want to change the API key for codeGPT or come across the error 'apiKey' does not exist.

Add the APIKey in environment.ts (clientApp->src/environments->environments.ts).

To generate the API key, you will need to:

  1. create an account with OpenAI.
  2. After logging in, select 'API'.
  3. Click on the GPT icon in the top left corner to expand the sidebar
  4. Select API Keys. Here, you can generate a key and add it as the value to the apiKey variable.

An alternative method can also be to use a dotenv file, you can find some documentation on this here. This will allow you to secure the API keys over public repositories.
