ghmd [OPTIONS] --token <TOKEN> <INPUT>
<INPUT> The markdown file to render
-h, --help Print help information
-o, --output <OUTPUT> The HTML file to generate. If this is specified, no server will be
started and instead a single static file will be produced
-p, --port <PORT> The port the server should bind to [default: 39131]
-t, --token <TOKEN> The authorization token to use. You can create a personal one at
<> [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
--theme <THEME> The theme to generate the resulting page using [default: dark]
[possible values: dark, light]
--title <TITLE> The title of the page. Defaults to the filename
will start up a webserver on localhost
that renders the given file using GitHub's markdown
API. Changes to the file will automatically cause the rendered page to be refreshed.
cargo install --git
I wrote this project after I was dissatisfied with these projects I found online: