This is an E-Learning Platform. Do watch the Demo (watch at 1.25x)
NOTE- I haven't made code of this project public. If you wanna contribute, then please reach out to me through
- Next.js
- Sass
- Material UI
- Context API
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Node.js
- Mongoose
- JsonWebToken
- AWS - IAM, S3
- Stripe
- Search Courses
- Watch preview lessons
- Enroll in a course
- Review/ Rate Course
- Mark lessons as complete/incomplete
- Create Course
- Edit/Update Course
- Add/Remove/Update Lessons
- Also have all functionalities of student
- Home screen
- About screen
- Courses List screen
- Course Details screen
- Login/Sign-up screens
- Course view screen
- Enrolled courses screen
- Become-instructor screen
- Instructor dashboard
- Instructor courses screen
- Create Course screen
- Course Edit Screen