This is full Stack application made using Next.js. The main objective was to work with Next.js and understand what the hype was all about. Leaving the features of Next.js (like SEO, SSR, SSG) aside, the fact that we can create backend APIs (using node) inside next only, really impressed me.
The Idea was to build a web app where admin can list various events and user can search events on the basis of their city, month and category. Like this, users will know about events happening in their cities in a particular month and won't miss out.
- Next.js
- Module Sass
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
Follow the following steps to run the project locally -
Clone the repository
cd to the repository and cd to "next app" folder
Run "npm install"
Create "env.local" file inside "next app" folder and add the following
MONGO_URI = your mongodb uri
Run "npm run dev"
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at