Please check releases to download the latest build.
- Set slot to B and boot TWRP
- Flash LineageOS 16 (DO NOT FLASH TWRP AS WELL!)
- Switch Slot (now it will show that you're in SLOT A)
- Reboot to bootloader
- Boot TWRP again
- Flash SailfishOS
- Reboot
- Backup your data somewhere safe.
- Flash SailfishOS zip twice/thrice (it is required to bypass installer warnings) when Slot A is active.
- SSH over USB is broken if MTP functionality is enabled in droid-configs (MTP is enabled btw), alternatively you can use SSH over WiFi.
To turn on bluetooth you need to enable developer mode and set password for devel-su and then tap on bluetooth button once and finally run "devel-su bluebinder" (it usually does not work on first try and you need to to cancel it with ctrl + c and keep trying again until it works)
Video recording breaks camera and user is forced to reboot if they want to use camera again.
Double tap to wake causes touch not to register after wakeup and reboot so it is disabled by default in source
When phone starts screen is black/ blank or just keeps showing default splash screen of device. Also screen stays awake unless you press power button to suspend the phone and wake up the phone again.