Advice and guidebook for thriving and surviving Ph.D. and graduate school. But first, what is grad. school?
- Applying for PhD
- General Advice
- Job Search (Academia)
- Job Search (Industry)
- Giving Job Talks
- Post PhD Advice
- Doing Research as an Undergraduate Student
- Internships (as a PhD student)
- Meetings
- Paper Writing
- Paper Accepted, Then What?
- Writing Rebuttals
- Handling Paper Rejections
- Research Novelty
- Broadneing the Impact and Visibilty of Your Research
- Conferences
- Presenting Posters
- Department Seminars and Events
- Fellowship
- Ph.D. Syllabi
- Getting Help
- Academics Blogging about Academia
- Other Grad School Advice Pages and Sites Like Ours
- Dr. Scott Freitas: Optimizing Your Machine Learning PhD Applications for Success
- Is an ML PhD Right for Me?
- Finding the Ideal Advisor
- Understanding the Application Process
- Aligning your Post Graduation Objectives
- Boaz Barak: How to write “statements of purpose”
- Yisong Yue: How to Write Statements of Purpose for PhD & Fellowship Applications
- Roman Feiman on how to write statement of purpose (SoP)
- Polo Chau: How to help your recommendation letter writers submit on time?
- Gautam Kamath: How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation
- Cornell University: Requesting Letters of Recommendation
- Chriselle Sy @ The Grad Cafe
- Jia-Bin Huang: How do you get a strong letter? 🤔
Polo Chau: How to Choose PhD Advisor?
- Focus on the people you will interact with every day during your PhD study (e.g., advisor, lab mates). Research is important but without the right people, research won't happen!
Casey Fiesler: Choosing a PhD Advisor | Questions to Ask to Find a Good PhD Supervisor
- Jimeng Sun: "Speed is Everything for AI research"
- Casey Fiesler: "Should You Get a PhD?"
- Bad Reasons: You're good at school; You don't know what else to do; You want to make money; You want prestige.
- Good Reasons: You want to be a professor; You love academic writing; You want to add new knowledge to the world; You want a research career.
- James Arvanitakis: "How to survive a PhD"
- Nick Feamster: "Managing your advisor"
- Austin Z. Henley: "Lessons from my PhD"
- Lead or be led; Topic sentences; Get excited; Unmotivated details; Slides versus speaker; Managers as input/output machines; Daily progress tracking
- Andrej Karpathy: "A Survival Guide to a PhD"
- Maithra Raghu: "Reflections on my (Machine Learning) PhD Journey"
- Sebastian Ruder: "10 Tips for Research and a PhD"
- Aijaz A. Shaikh: "5 secrets to surviving (and thriving in) a PhD program"
- Jennifer Snodgrass: "7 Hard Truths and a Few Lies"
- Stephen Sterns: "Modest Advice"
- Terence Tao: "Career Advice"
- Lucy A. Taylor: "Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD"
- David A. Patterson: "Your Students Are Your Legacy" Public slide version. ACM version, may be paywalled
- (1) Show initiative, for fortune favors the bold. (2) Sink or swim. (3) Educate your professor
- Remzi: "Graduate School: Keys To Success"
- Sophia Sun: "How to graduate your PhD when you have no hope"
- Fei-Fei Li: "De-Mystifying Good Research and Good Papers"
- Ben Lengerich: Thoughts from my Faculty Application Experience
- Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly: A blog about my experience on the CS faculty job market
- Daniel Seita: My Experience Applying for Faculty Positions
- Faculty Application : EECS Communication Lab
- Rose Cersonsky: Academic Jobs
- Arjun Raj: Thoughts on applying for faculty positions
- Workshop on Faculty Hiring Process — YouTube
- Faculty job talks: tips from the faculty — MIT EECS
- MIT Faculty Applicaiton Resources
- CS Faculty Interview Questions
- Guide to Professorspeak
- The academic job search for computer scientists in 10 questions
- Polo Chau: 7 Benefits of Internship
- "7 Ps of internships": People, Practice, Paper, Patent, Product, Publicity, Payment
- Anne Meyer-Miner: Engaging Employers Early in Grad Student Training
- "Anne Meyer-Minor describes the mutual benefits that occur when company managers collaborate with academics in the career development of advanced-degree trainees."
- Yong Zheng-Xin: AI Research Internship Search as a CS PhD Student
- Devi Parikh, Georgia Tech: Planning paper writing
- Devi Parikh, Georgia Tech: Shortening papers to fit page limits
- Christos Faloutsos, CMU: Lessons from 1K rejected research papers
- How to create crown jewel figures (fig 1), pick paper title, tool name, write abstract (start with rhetorical question), think like reviewers (relevance, novelty, technical quality, presentation)
- Maxwell Forbes (UWash): Making a Figure 1
- Diyi Yang, Georgia Tech: Paper Clinic for checking paper structure, organiziation, overall impression
- Stevie Chancellor, University of Minnesota: How to Write More with Less Stress by Writing Every Day
- Toward a good scientific writing
- Terry Tao's advice
- The Serial Mentor
- Perfecting Your Scientific Writing: Tips & Tricks
- Improving your scientific writing: a short guide
- Three Sins of Authors in Computer Science and Math
- How to write a great research paper
- Notes on writing
- Adam Wierman: Advising
- How to Write a Good Article
- Ten simple Rules for Responsible referencing
- Tips for being concise in academic writing
- Marco Tulio Ribeiro: Writing, part 1 — the process
- Jia-Bin Huang: How to Write a Good Research Paper
- Casey Fiesler: what ACM copyright model should I choose?
- Jay Wang: arXiv submission instruction
- Jay Wang: tips and tricks to make ACM TAPS happy
- How we write rebuttals by Devi Parikh, Dhruv Batra, Stefan Lee
- How to ML Rebuttal – A Brief Guide by Tim Rocktäschel and Jakob Foerster
- Jay Wang: How to mark up paper revisions with LaTeX?
- Aditya Parameswaran: "Coping with Rejection"
- Niklas Elmqvist: "Dealing with Rejection"
- Robert Kosara: "Dealing with Paper Rejections"
- Michael Black: Novelty in Science: A guide for reviewers
- Reviewers regularly mistake complexity, difficulty, and technicality for novelty. A better way is to replace novelty with beauty.
- Marco Tulio Ribeiro: Coming up with research ideas
- Marco Tulio Ribeiro: Organizing and evaluating research ideas
- Polo Chau: Should PhD Students Have Websites?
- Yes, for multiple benefits. 1: craft professional brand. 2: enhance visibility. 3: facilitate sharing. 4: broaden audience.
- Ten Tips for Newcomers at an Academic/Industry Conference
- 7 reasons why every PhD student should attend academic conferences; Alessandra Bassey
- The Great Benefits of Attending Academic Conferences; Miguel Otero-Iglesias
- Navigating your first academic conference; Joshua C. Palmer (URL currently not accessible)
- Why seminars are important to the graduate experience
- Why invited talks are important
- Participating in graduate seminar discussions
- Dr. Scott Freitas: Tips & Tricks to Land a PhD Fellowship
- Understanding the Benefits
- Comparing Fellowships
- Application Process
- Gaining the Edge
- Five tips for a successful Facebook Fellowship application from the people who review them
- Morgan Klaus Scheuerman: Tips for Applying to PhD Fellowships in HCI / Social Computing
- Jazette Johnson: 7 Tips for Applying for the Microsoft Research Ada Lovelace Fellowship
- Ada Lovelace Fellowship was discontinued, but the tips apply to other fellowships
- CS PhD fellowship list (CMU)
- CS PhD fellowship list (GT)
- Graduate Fellowship list (Johns Hopkins)