A convenient way to add, modify, and remove extended attributes on files while using Neovim. This is great for saving persistent notes or data associated with a file, which can then be accessed through standard file system tooling.
- Most likely an XFS file system
- The attr executable installed and available within your $PATH
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
opts = {}, -- for default options, refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
cmd = "Xattrs",
keys = {
desc = "Edit extended attributes",
extended_attributes.nvim is used to modify the extended attributes on files.
Executing Xattrs
will open a temporary buffer for the current or specified file,
where extended attributes can be modified, created, and deleted.
:Xattrs <optional filename>
# attr: my first attribute
This is the value of the attribute
# attr: This is my second attribute
# newline
This is my second attribute value
$ attr example_file -l
Attribute "my first attribute" has a 34 byte value for example_file
Attribute "This is my second attribute
newline" has a 42 byte value for example_file
$ attr example_file -g "my first attribute"
Attribute "my first attribute" had a 34 byte value for example_file:
This is the value of the attribute
$ attr example_file -g "This is my second attribute
Attribute "This is my second attribute
newline" had a 42 byte value for example_file:
This is my second attribute value
The default settings applied to the plugin are:
attribute_prefix = "#", -- The prefix of attribute name/key sections. (Non-empty)
attribute_keyword = "attr:", -- The string that denotes the start of an attribute name/key. (Non-empty)
max_key_size = 256, -- The maximum number of bytes for a attribute name/key on your file system. (Greater than 0, or nil for infinite)
max_value_size = 65536, -- The maximum number of bytes for a attribute value on your file system. (Greater than 0, or nil for infinite)
oversized_strategy = "truncate", -- The strategy used when the length of a key/value exceeds the maximum allowed size. ("truncate" or "halt")
extended_attributes.nvim is highly configurable, and can be modified to suit your needs.
Function | Description |
get_file_attrs(opts, filepath) |
Retrieves extended attributes of a file and returns them in key-value pairs. |
set_file_attrs(opts, filepath, previous_attrs, new_attrs) |
Sets new extended attributes on a file, using previous attributes as reference. |
buf_lines_marshal_attrs(opts, attrs) |
Converts attribute data into a format suitable for buffer line display. (table of lines to display) |
unmarshal_attrs(opts, content) |
Extracts and interprets attributes from the content. |
For example:
attribute_prefix = "#",
attribute_keyword = "attr:",
max_key_size = 256,
max_value_size = 65536,
oversized_strategy = "truncate",
get_file_attrs = function(opts, filepath)
local attr_list_cmd = 'attr -l "' .. (filepath) .. '"'
local handle1 = io.popen(attr_list_cmd)
local attr_list_result = handle1:read("*a")
local attrs = {}
for name in attr_list_result:gmatch('Attribute%s+"(.-)"') do
local attr_get_cmd = 'attr -g "' .. name .. '" "' .. filepath .. '"'
local handle2 = io.popen(attr_get_cmd)
local data = handle2:read("*a")
local attribute, value = data:match('Attribute%s+"(.-)"%s+had%sa%s%d+%sbyte%svalue%sfor%s.-:%s*(.-)%s*$')
attrs[attribute] = value
return attrs
set_file_attrs = function(opts, filepath, previous_attrs, new_attrs)
-- Update all attributes that have been changed
for key, value in pairs(new_attrs) do
local cmd = 'setfattr -n "' .. key .. '" -v "' .. value .. '" "' .. filepath .. '"'
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above code is an example and is not intended to be functional.
This is the first Neovim plugin I've written so feel free to give any and all feedback, and report any issues that come up. Feature requests are also welcome!