Faker is a port of Ruby Faker library to the clojure programming language.
It is useful when you want to generate fake but good-looking data, such as in test scenarios or staging servers.
The easiest way is to use Leiningen. Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:
[faker "0.2.2"]
(ns test
(:use faker.name faker.lorem))
(def n (take 10 (names)))
(def p (take 10 (paragraphs)))
There are several more namespaces for generating:
- Person names
- Company names
- Addresses
- Domains and emails
- Telephone numbers
- Text
- Commerce
Take a look at the documentation generated with autodoc here
Source Copyright © 2010-2015 Sebastian Galkin. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure uses. See the file LICENSE.