🔭 Below is a list of my golang projects i’m currently working on...

Argon2 based sso service, written in golang. Provides a set of methods necessary for users registration / authorization in the company's systems, refreshing the jwt token, as well as user management methods, like change password, email password renewal, also providing oauth authorization through such systems as Google, VK, Mail.ru, using OAuth2.0 protocol specification (rfc6749)

Websocket multipart file uploader, golang backend using chunks transfer to AWS S3 multipart processor

Here comes high performance faceted bitmap huge dataset searching

The Core SSE Demo API (here and after referred to as API) provides a set of methods necessary for multiple file uploading and upload process Server Sent Events (SSE) streaming to frontend application. Can be useful for realtime data visualization, like file upload / processing progress, currency rates, etc.. It's one way, from server to client. If you need two-way communication, use websockets.

simple blockchain implementation. Educational purposes

some golang hashmap internals implementation. Educational purposes