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Security: Sanofi-IADC/whispr





Whispr supports authentication via JWT, and can be configured to authenticate against mutliple configurations (mutliple issuers, multiple secrets).


Security is implemented via an extended version of passport-jwt which allows an array of configurations to be passed on startup.

To configure, set the AUTH_CONFIG_SECRET

_ Note that even though the AUTH_CONFIG_SECRET is not necessarily a secret (in the case of config with JWKS providers), this environment variable is named _SECRET to ensure that it is hidden by APM tools in case it contains secret keys. _

The provided configuration is very similar to the NestJS passport-jwt example with a few modifications:

  • it must be provided as a JSON string containing a config property which is an array of valid passport-jwt configurations
  • the jwtFromRequest function which tells passport-jwt where to find the JWT in the request (usually the Authorization header) function must be deconstructed into an object containing funcName and args properties
  • passportJwtSecret function should not be written in the configuration file, only the arguments are required in the passportJwtSecret object

passthrough (disable authentication)

For debug purpose or deployability (feature flag). Authentication can be disable by providing to passport-multi-jwt a "passthrough":true to a given configuration


This is an example for multiple passport JWT configurations as they would be configured in Javascript.

    secretOrKeyProvider: passportJwtSecret({
        cache: true,
        rateLimit: true,
        jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
        jwksUri: "",

    jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
    audience: 'MY_APP_AUDIENCE',
    issuer: ``,
    algorithms: ['RS256'],
    jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
    ignoreExpiration: false,
    secretOrKey: 'APPX_SECRET_KEY',
    jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromBodyField('USER_JWT'),
    ignoreExpiration: false,
    secretOrKey: 'APPY_SECRET_KEY',

And an example env file configuration for AUTH_CONFIG_SECRET based on the configuration above.

# note that in a .env file this should be formatted onto one line - it is shown multiline here for easier readability
# see project example.env file for a single line config
        "secretOrKeyProvider": {
            "cache": true,
            "rateLimit": true,
            "jwksRequestsPerMinute": 5,
            "jwksUri": ""
        "jwtFromRequest":{"funcName": "fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken"},
        "audience": "MY_APP_AUDIENCE",
        "algorithms": ['RS256']
        "jwtFromRequest":{"funcName": "fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken"},
        "jwtFromRequest": {"funcName": "fromBodyField", args: 'USER_JWT'},

Secret passed through environment variable

Good practice imposed to not store secret in version control managment system and retrieve it from an environment variable instead. Do so and setup the secretOrKeyFromEnv config property with the name of an environment variable of your choice and leave secretOrKey empty. secretOrKey will then be automatically filled with your environment variable's value.


No specific authorisation is currently implemented in Whispr - if you are authenticated it is assumed that you should have access to all data in Whispr.

There aren’t any published security advisories