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Development 2 ‐ Adding a Corsair VOID device

Denis Arnst edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 1 revision

If you have a Corsair (void) and it doesn't find your device you can try this:
So far, Corsair has always used the same protocol except for Virtuso and HS series*. You can simply try adding your device to the existing implementation.

Check AlsaMixer

In Linux you can check with the CLI program alsamixer wether your headset has sidetone as an audio channel. If so, you cannot implement it in HeadsetControl because HIDApi does not support modifying volumes of audio.

Finding your deviceid

Run headsetcontrol with this parameters: headsetcontrol --dev -- --list

You should get an output with a lot of devices. There should be your headset.

E.g. for Corsair Void:

Device Found
  VendorID: 0x1b1c
 ProductID: 0x1b27
  path: IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/XHC1@14/XHC1@14000000/HS02@14200000/USB2.0 Hub             @14200000/AppleUSB20Hub@14200000/AppleUSB20HubPort@14220000/USB2.0 Hub             @14220000/AppleUSB20Hub@14220000/AppleUSB20HubPort@14224000/Corsair VOID Wireless Gaming Dongle@14224000/Hid Interface@3/AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice
  Manufacturer: Corsair
  Product:      Corsair VOID Wireless Gaming Dongle
  Interface:    3
  Usage-Page: 0xff00 Usageid: 0x1

Take note of the ProductID. (0x1b27 in this case)

Adding the deviceid to the implementation

  1. Open src/devices/corsair_void.c create a new #define for your device where your specify the new device id.
  2. Insert the name of the define into the array PRODUCT_IDS.
  3. Recompile, by cd'ing back to your build folder and simply type make (and possibly make install).
  4. If it works, please also contribute by opening an issue or creating a pull request.

Making a pull request

If your device works, you can contribute like this: (This will help us greatly!)

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Apply your changes to your fork (Please don't do any other changes - do them in a separate request)
    • If you have no git knowledge, simply edit it online at GitHub in your fork.
  3. Do a pull request

Don't hesitate to ask questions by opening up an issue.